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Imaging with two capture apps on same laptop simultaneously?


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Anyone doing this please?

My plan is to use my CCD setup as per normal (APT or Artemis) and also use my DSLR mounted on top (for wide-field) under control of APT?  From the same laptop. 

I suppose the answer to my question is to try it but I wondered if anyone else is doing something like this?

Thanks, Steve

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I suppose it could well work, provided both programs do not want to access the same resource simultaneously. If two data streams from the camera run through the same USB controller, I wonder if that might not reduce the bandwidth of each. Also, if both applications need a lot of memory, this might lead to swapping data out of memory to the disk, which compromises performance. However, if the laptop has sufficient memory, and is a multi-core machine (everything is, practically), the two programs should not interfere.

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Anyone doing this please?  My plan is to use my CCD setup as per normal (APT or Artemis) and also use my DSLR mounted on top (for wide-field) under control of APT?  From the same laptop.  I suppose the answer to my question is to try it but I wondered if anyone else is doing something like this? Thanks, Steve

Yep - give it a go - the quickest way to find out if it works for you.  However the more that's going on [=dual imaging] at the same time the easier it is to make mistakes and mess things up :police:

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