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LX mod for webcam ????


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Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone out there is a bit of an electronics wizard (or knows someone who is) that could have a go at modding my Creative NX Ultra ?

I've used it for lunar/planetary work (simple as the lens unscrews allowing adapter to be screwed in) but would like to see if it could be modified for DSO imaging.

LX mod and amp off mod, maybe cooling if necessary ?

To be totallty honest, I am out of my depth when it comes to taking it apart, unsoldering, resoldering, adding rs-232 cables etc so............................................would anybody be willing to attempt this for me please ?

I will obviously pay you if it is successful but if it was not............I am ok with it being scrapped as it is my old webcam and I have a microsoft hd 3000 I've done the physical case modification on that I can use for lunar/planetary.

I guess we could consider it an interesting side project that would result in financial reward if it worked.

Anyone who's got a modded SPC900 is welcome to send it my way of course..........(not expecting many replies to that bit)

Clear skies  :grin:


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Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone out there is a bit of an electronics wizard (or knows someone who is) that could have a go at modding my Creative NX Ultra ?

I've used it for lunar/planetary work (simple as the lens unscrews allowing adapter to be screwed in) but would like to see if it could be modified for DSO imaging.

LX mod and amp off mod, maybe cooling if necessary ?

To be totallty honest, I am out of my depth when it comes to taking it apart, unsoldering, resoldering, adding rs-232 cables etc so............................................would anybody be willing to attempt this for me please ?

I will obviously pay you if it is successful but if it was not............I am ok with it being scrapped as it is my old webcam and I have a microsoft hd 3000 I've done the physical case modification on that I can use for lunar/planetary.

I guess we could consider it an interesting side project that would result in financial reward if it worked.

Anyone who's got a modded SPC900 is welcome to send it my way of course..........(not expecting many replies to that bit)

Clear skies  :grin:


Hi Jack,

As others have pointed out only the SPC 900 has any documented LX conversion but please forgive me for saying that unless you wish to do a conversion just as a personal project, the modded camera will have at best very limited  use in long exposure imaging due to the build up and accumulation of heat. and the resulting noise. This is the main reason that DSLRs despite having some of the best sensors in production loose out to CCDs due to the lack of active cooling.

Wish you success.


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Hi jack,, have you thought of maybe making the small step to video imagining. ..using a Samsung scb2000 you can remove the ir lens on these cameras and make them better for deep sky use you also have more control over them than a webcam with intregation at x512...these cameras can be cooled with simple fan mods to make less hot pixels. ..you can pick them up from ebay for 50 pounds...if you have a look at the video section of sgl we can gelp answer any questions on the subject. ..Davy

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Thanks for the info A.G and Davy.

I've definately considered moving to ccd's but haven't yet due to only just starting out with AP. Attempting to do it on a small budget first off and moving onto a bigger budget once I've learned a bit (and made plenty of mistakes !!). I've actually found someone with a SPC900 for a reasonable price so will use that as a jumping off point. Think I'll see what I can do with short exposures, darks and flats etc and stacking. I've been told I may get ok results with that.

Lots of people have told me to always make sure my knowledge preceeds my equipment. (Making every poton count - steve richards is ordered)

I think I'll look into the video imaging with the samsung sbc2000 you mentioned Davy. £50 is within my small budget so would be another possible avenue. 

I'm a little overloaded with information but I'm sure I'll be able to apply some of it and learn from my mistakes.

Clear skies


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