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Windows 10 and AP


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So many of the Windows-based computers now are being offered with the Windows 10 OS.  What will this mean to the scopes and software not made to this OS?  Buying a new computer will obsolete the old software packages.  Anyone heard what is coming down the line for imaging software working on Windows 10?


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Windows 10?  Are you posting from the future?

Most stuff that works with Windows 7 will work on Windows 8 and you can always downgrade the computer to Windows 7 if all else fails.

No one is going to produce imaging s/w specifically for Windows 8.  It will just be stuff that runs on Windows 7 maybe utilizing some new features of Windows 8.  However as the main trust of Windows 8 appears to be tablet based I doubt it will have much impact other than changes to the user interface.

Personally as a PC operating system I think the GUI leave a lot t be desired and Windows 7 is better.

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For now I would use a machine running windows 7 it's very stable most 150 dollar laptops work great for just the imaging part. Most of these programs for even windows 8 are in Beta form still...Marty we must go Back to the future!

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I'm with gkec on this. The gui for W8 is really aimed squarely(!) at tablet users, little thought has been made of the classic style presentation.

I have had W7 running for three years on my desktop with only one rebuild (a record!!) whilst I keep XP on a netbook that does not demand extreme processing power, stellarium etc and if it went pop with dew I would not mind that much :smiley:

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I used to like to have the latest version of the Windows OS on my desktop PC, but just couldn't see any benefit with Windows 8 so have stuck to Windows 7.  It may also be an age thing :smile:

However for the observatory laptop that controls the mount and cameras, my weapon of choice is still XP.

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That was one of my concerns, Jarrod.  Thanks for posting.  Just what will Windows 8 mean to our software and hardware.  I find Win8 on the all-in-one computers, but it has found its way to other (e.g., laptops) PCs.  If I am to use a laptop to, for instance, run BackyardEOS to control the camera and need to buy a new one, it will likely come with Win8.  The new ones are moving in that direction.  Then, the tower desktops are now coming with Win8.

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stick with winows 7 or xp as some stuff just wont work on windows 8 eg; i just saved up and baught an eos 1100d and the software wont work on windows 8 but works great on windows 7 good job my imaging setup is the windows 7 pc lol

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As a solid rule of thumb, you should always but every other version of windows, observe:

Win nt4 - good

Win 2000 - crappy

Win xp - good

Win vista - Rubbish

Win 7 - good

Win 8 - Rubbish

Win 2000 is the only one of the bad ones that was/is not out and out crud. However it was poorly received when it first came out compared to nt and is waaaay worse than xp.

So windows 10 is gonna be a dud!

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Ive managed to get everything working on win 8 eventually, apart from a PS3 controller. it was hard work tho a lot of messing around with drivers. if you have a certain age hi-tech astro eqmod cable you have to revert to older driver for some reason (money). other than that its ok when you get used to it

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Ive managed to get everything working on win 8 eventually, apart from a PS3 controller. it was hard work tho a lot of messing around with drivers. if you have a certain age hi-tech astro eqmod cable you have to revert to older driver for some reason (money). other than that its ok when you get used to it

This, and Windows' reputation for getting it wrong-right-wrong-right, is why I hunted for a new Win 7 machine. I'd heard that Win 8 was bad with devices, something the local IT firm confirmed.


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I have win8 and it's a pain on the PC.

I don't know if win8 is the cause but two of my SD cards are now not formatted for use in my camera.

I was told a long time back never format SD (memory cards of any type i expect) Cards, just delete what's on them, just built a Win 7 PC 32 bit Ascom, EQDIR, EQMon CdC work first time......

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I am not sure as i don't have win8. But i am thinking the default file system for when you format a usb stick is probably NTFS. this is fine for use with windows. But most other devices, cameras included, tend to read FAT32 file systems, hence the problem.

Also, some cameras may well have a proprietary file system all of there own, do whatever filesystem you put on, it will not work with that particular camera. Safest bet is to format the card in the camera you want to use it in.

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As a solid rule of thumb, you should always but every other version of windows, observe:

Win nt4 - good

Win 2000 - crappy

Win xp - good

Win vista - Rubbish

Win 7 - good

Win 8 - Rubbish

Win 2000 is the only one of the bad ones that was/is not out and out crud. However it was poorly received when it first came out compared to nt and is waaaay worse than xp.

So windows 10 is gonna be a dud!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free

Where does WinME fit in?


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i got a new lappy tother week windows 8 was bit scepticle after other peoples opinions i very rarely use the main start screen with all the lil boxes as misses has a windows phone an dint like it, but i didnt realise till shown that theres a desktop feature which returns it too almost like we use to know xp, win7, also was worries about win8 not liking peices of software, but so far havnt had a problem with any of the astro ones people use (ascom, eqmod, cdc, stellarium etc) its all been working hunky dorey even connected to my mount now via a usb - serial adapter bought off amazon runs fine (fingers crossed) so all in all im pretty happy with win8 as was a XP user before.

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