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Ahh  help needed took photo of andromeda approx 25 ,50sec subs and approx same number of darks flats and  bias  ,stacked in Dss  Canon 1000d eq 5 dual motors ,APT,iso 200 though that was probably too low tried photo shop processing but hands up driving me mad could someone take a look at my data and tell me if there's sufficient data  in there or am I wasting my time all new to me processing   thanks in advance hopefully my  dropbox link will work if not will link using my pc 


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Had a quick look in MAXIM, there is insufficient data to extract an image, only the central core was just visible.

Think the ISO setting was way to low, when I use my NIKON D90 DSLR I usually have an ISO set of around 1200 to 1600 and for M31 I would have forty subs minimum of thirty seconds each.

There seems to be a high level of background red, I don't know if that was local LP or just IR if you have removed the IR blocking filter.


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Can you upload a single RAW with no processing to Dropbox.  Something doesn't add up here:

- I assume you are using the 200P as the scope?  If so that is running at f/4.25 which is reasonably fast.

- The ISO setting will make absolutely no difference to the amount of light you collect.  A higher ISO will make the unprocessed image appear brighter, but doing a histogram stretch on an ISO 200 image should make it just as bright if the data is there in the first place.

I can't see anything much in the processed image, can just about see the cores of M31 and M32 and even with the LP I'd expect to be able to see more than that after stretching.

By way of example, here's one I did with a 500D at f/10 (massively slower than f/4.25), 64 x 30 second subs, no darks, no bias, no flats:


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Sorry ran out of time tonight.  Uploading is not working for some reason; I did a quick stretch and DBE in PI and there is a bit more in there than your're getting from your stack, but not much.  You can just about get some of the first couple of dust lanes.  The LP is pretty atrocious to the bottom left of the frame, that street light is killing things badly and you really need to move or shield yourself from it somehow..  Longer subs might help a bit and an LP filter would probably do a lot of good as well.  Ultimately you need longer exposures to get more out.  I'll try again to upload tomorrow night.

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Try getting in contact with your local council to see if you can get a shield fitted to the street light. Some people on here have had some favourable responses from their councils.

Personally I wouldn't say that it is for your hobby, rather say that you are having disturbed sleep patterns due to the light shining into your bedroom. That should carry more weight rather than "It's spoiling my enjoyment of my hobby". 

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