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So it's Full Moon again


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And the sky is clear...

It's the first clear night in a couple of weeks, but I've not slept well this week and combined with the state of the Moon I was really inclined not to bother.  I've reached that state of tiredness where my skin itches and muscles around my eyes and hands start to twitch.  But I made myself get the kit out and having failed to get decent data twice before I thought I'd have another pop at M15 with the Mak.  Everything has gone rather sweetly and the data is now rolling in.  And suddenly I feel much better :)

And it not even being 9pm yet, I should be able to do two or three hours worth of imaging and still be in bed and a not too offensive hour :)


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Curses!  Foiled again!

Next time I'm down in Exeter I shall have a look for the Met Office building.  It must be the one with no windows.

The forecast still says "clear all night" despite the now total cloud cover.  They've not even been and retroactively changed the forecast like they sometimes do.

Looks like I shall have that early night after all...


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The skies are clear here. Got to test my new 13mm Skywatcher SWA 70° Eyepiece. The moon was stunning.

When the rest of the sky is washed out by a full moon. Turn the scope to our satellite & take in all it's mesmerizing glory.

I'll never get bored of observing it.

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Blimey, I wouldn't shoot broadband at this time of the month! I did give the 3Nm Ha filter a run though and it seems to have done the business.

I like the 'no windows' bit!  :grin:

Interestingly sleep deprivation symptoms have changed for me. I no longer get the skin/eyes syndrome but rather just roll though the day on about a four hourly cycle of zombie like drowsiness followed by reasonable functionality and back.  This is when we have very long clear spells.

A couple of years ago, near the end of august, my medical man neighbour said, 'Olly, underneath the suntan you are white!'  Made me laugh. I once took a white border collie to the vet and she said, 'Oh dear, she's very pale.' I thought, Stone me, I'm payng for this visit!  But of course she was looking at Misty's gums...


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Blimey, I wouldn't shoot broadband at this time of the month! I did give the 3Nm Ha filter a run though and it seems to have done the business.


I felt it was worth a gamble because the field of view is so small.  I probably wasn't covering much more than a degree of arc, if that.


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Tried some NB imaging last night but was plagued by cloud, I gave up in the end. Everytime PHD was set up and Atik ready to go, another patch of cloud came over. This has been said on here before, but why is it always a clear(ish) night on a Full Moon, guaranteed! :rolleyes:

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I spoke to our weather man at work the other day (I work at a Defense research airfield) he provides info for the local area.

He said he only looks for clouds for a certain height for aircraft landing/take off. He wasn't interested in those people that wanted to look a little further up.

Oh well.

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For short term forecasting my first port of call is always sat24.  With a little practice I can usually predict the arrival of the cloud to within about an hour.

Remember to use the infrared view at night time though.

I've lost faith in Sat 24 since it started putting Barcelona in France and several north African cities in the Mediterranean!!! Come on, they can't ALL be Atlantis. :grin:


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I've found the most reliable method for weather forecasting is watching the previous few hours of satellite animated, you can see what cloud is heading your way and roughly how long it will take, though cloud tends to dissolve or grow over land mass (i.e. the UK) depending on whether it's been raining or dry.  If it's been raining then we get some heat, the water may evaporate to form clouds which will then follow the wind direction (typically West to East in my experience, for my location).

And now for something completely different.  A clear sky on a new moon!

WeatherProHD on the iPad is good for satellite imagery, I think you need to subscribe to get infra-red though (it's something like £3.99 per year).

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