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Windy Moon - 16/09/2013


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I was hoping to get my bigger refractor out to image the moon on this night, but the wind was blowing a bit. So I showed unusual restraint and did the sensible thing and put my wind-dodging ED80 outside instead. :smiley:


Equinox 80mm / Grasshopper 3 (ICX 687) / ProPlanet 742 IR-pass filter

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Thanks all :smiley:

Tich, is the C80ED a new addition? Is that the Celestron one? I have no idea why I said the scope was an Equinox 80. It was in fact my Celestron Onyx 80mm! :rolleyes:

I'm now wondering how much my 742 ProPlanet IR pass filter is helping. Something Michael mentioned in another thread got me thinking about it. How well do my refractors cope with IR light :confused:

I think I need to do some tests between this filter and a red filter, and see which one wins for my refractors! :grin: I also have an SCT, so guess the IR pass will be handy there regardless.

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