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NGC1499 California Nebula in Ha


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OK, that was the coldest, frostiest night I`ve had to endure yet...


The horizon was very murky, but the zenith was very clear and steady... just a shame about the moon illuminating everything. Time to break out the Hydrogen Alpha filter again.

OTA: William Optics ZenithStar 66 SD + 0.8 FR/FF

Guiding: NS8GPS @ f/10 + DSI-C + PHD

Imaging: QHY8 + MaximDL, 10 x 900s, Astronomik Ha 13nm

Stacked: DeepSkyStacker

Post Process: MaximDL + ImagesPlus + PSCS2 + Noel Carboni’s AstroTools

Note: I forgot to take bias frames... doh!

Not sure which version I like best... the slightly softer whispy one (first), or the more contrasty version (second)

(Click on the image for a larger version)


(Click on the image for a larger version)


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Here is a 50/50 blend between the whispy and sharper versions (click on image for larger version)


I just love doing the Ha stuff, especially as all the recent clear nights have had a big fat nasty moon killing them. Last night, the moon was less than 39 degrees away from this target, and yet the filter cut straight through the skyglow... fantastic! :rolleyes:

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Dont get me wrong. When the sky is clear and moonless, there is nothing like taking RGB images to process the next day... but, as I am learning, grabbing Ha data of the same object to use to blend at a later time is just moving the image quality processing up a notch or two. I`m just lucky this camera does so well at both Ha and RGB OSC

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Superb work Steve, the blended image definitely does it for me

I know one person here who recently ordered one... unsure if that was my "fault" :rolleyes:

You do carry some responsibility Steve although a number of other factors as well! Yes, one QHY8 currently on it's way to Chesterfield. Currently in Hong Kong at the moment. The SXV H9 wont be going though. Hope to do some comparisons which should prove interesting.

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