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Optical - Systems Germany - poor show methinks


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I placed an order with them for an ES 82* 11mm eyepiece on Sept 4th. I know there has been a shortage of the 82* 11mm along with other focal lengths in the US making them nigh on impossible to get hold of. So I checked that the 11mm was in stock, which it was according to the optical-systems website, before placing order. Received a confirmation email on the 5th followed by another email on the 6th saying that my order will presumably ship on the 12th (subject to availability of goods) and I would get a confirmation email once the order had been dispatched. Thought this a bit odd - if the 11mm was in stock why put subject to availability, plus a 6 day delay before mailing it?   :confused2: Anyway, I received another email today giving a new 'presumed' dispatch date for the 20th also subject to availability. Seems to me that the eyepiece was/is not in stock, even though their website states otherwise - can't think of any other reason for the delay? If not in stock then surely optical-systems should have informed me more directly and asked if I  minded waiting for stock to come in, especially before deducting payment from my credit card account!...don't think that's asking too much.   

I will wait and see if the eyepiece is dispatched on the 20th or thereabouts. There might be a chance that they can deliver this time as dealers in the US seem to be getting the ES 82* series back in stock - according to a recent thread in Cloudy Nights forum anyway.

Ain't counting my chickens though.... 


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Poor show indeed! This has happened me on a couple of occasions, although luckily I've never had to wait very long for the item to come back into stock. I've gotten to the point where I always email the seller & get them to confirm stock before placing an order. A lot of these websites aren't up to date and it saves a lot of frustration in the long run. Hopefully your eyepiece will turn up sooner rather than later.

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Yes, I should have emailed them for confirmation, but their website showed the 14mm as out of stock and the rest of the 82* series in stock so I presumed it was all ok. Live and learn I guess!....

I don't mind waiting a reasonable amount of time, no choice really. Just disappointed that they didn't ask me for the nod.

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I had a bit of a saga with them as well. They refunded in the end. A bit hit and miss, they'll sort it out in time.....or go out of business.

Hope they don't go  out of business before I  get my eyepiece!  :eek:

I bought a Maxvision 24mm off them a couple of months back - order completed in 6 days, so no complaints there.  There was some dissatisfaction on the thread at the time though, mostly from people who ordered maxvisions soon after optical-systems/explore scientific first advertised them. Later on as orders increased they seemed to get their act together resulting in a speedier service.

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I emailed them about the postage rates and got no reply. I ordered a Maxvision 24mm anyway. It was dispatched almost immediately. But not once did I get anything from them. Only checked on the website and saw it had been sent off straight away. Seems to have been sitting in Tamworth in the UK for ages though! Must have been clear there and they whipped it out for a session!

Strange crowd though. Surprised I got absolutely nothing from them though!

I had asked them why their delivery rates were €12 for parcels under 3kg, and then why it then had to go by courier at €19??

Never mind. Delivered for <€100. Pretty good for a 24mm 68*

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Ordered a pair of Maxvisions - a 16 and a 24 - on Tuesday last week (10th) and they were here Friday (13th) - couldn't believe how fast they arrived. Since then, I have noticed a number of complaints about them on the forum. Perhaps I'll have a a worse experience next time (not hoping!).

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Bart, I don't think communication is their forte - I  believe most of the complaints on the Maxvision thread I mentioned above were to do with poor communication. No such problems with my Maxvision 24mm. Received both order and dispatch confirmation within a day or two.

You don't want to know how long I waited for a 11mm to come into stock in the US after I was shipped the wrong product....  I think it was 5 months, maybe 6!

Ouch!... don't think I'm willing to wait that long! A month or two maybe.  Trouble is I've had my heart set on the 11mm. It's at the limit of my budget and would be ideal for decent views of DSO's from what I've heard.

I knew ES eyepieces were difficult to get hold of in the US but thought things might be different in Germany. Now that US dealers appear to be getting stocks in I'm hoping the same is happening in Germany, especially as Explore Scientific is a German company. Just hope that they don't have limited stocks and are sorting the US market out before Europe, which is a possibility as they appear to sell a lot more eyepieces there. May well be getting ahead of myself now though and thinking up a worse case scenario, hope so anyway. 

If they don't dispatch on friday I'll email them next monday to try and find out what the situation is.

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Ordered a pair of Maxvisions - a 16 and a 24 - on Tuesday last week (10th) and they were here Friday (13th) - couldn't believe how fast they arrived. Since then, I have noticed a number of complaints about them on the forum. Perhaps I'll have a a worse experience next time (not hoping!).

Crikey, that is fast!... must be a record.  :smiley:

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ES.de and Optical Systems are the same company, so in both cases I'd email them first. I do exactly that and always get a swift and accurate reply as to exact dates. Everything I've ordered has turned up within a day of the projected delivery date.


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Thanks for the reassurance bingevader and russ.will. I am aware that they are the same company and will email them on monday if the 11mm is not dispatched by then.

I appreciate that the eyepiece will eventually turn up, or if it doesn't within a certain time scale then I will get a refund, so no real worries there. I just think they should have got in touch with me to explain the situation. After all both ES and optical-systems websites do show the 11mm in stock and has done for the last couple of months at least. Might be a good idea to update it.

Will post again soon as I hear something.

Cheers folks

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Just got word my Maxvision 24mm has been delivered. Ordered thur so that not bad really, considering it sat in Tamworth for ages. Delivery at €19 is too much, as nearly everything is, delivered to Ireland, sob, sob!! But again, pretty good service really. Agree though, that the 'in stock' trick does get my blood boiling though. Hope it comes through soon for you.

It's going to be my finder in the 10" so hope that works out. It'll be 1.25in all the way for the quick sessions. I'll leave the big'uns for the LB


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Thanks Bart, glad you got your 24mm Maxvision. I also use mine as a finder in the 200p.

Fingers and toes crossed that the 11mm does not take too long to arrive as my son and I are off to  Brecon for our first visit to a dark site as soon as the opportunity arises. 

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Someone from ES must have seen this thread.  Received an email this morning updating the estimated date of dispatch from Sept 20th to Nov 20th. No way am I willing to wait that long as there's still no guarantee they will have it in stock by then.

I will email them later on, when I've calmed down a bit,  :mad:  and ask..or should I say tell them to put the money that they've deducted back into my account. Once I've been reimbursed then I'll be posting a new thread asking for recommendations for another eyepiece.

I've just checked the ES/optical-systems website and not surprisingly it shows the ES 82* 11mm as still in stock - say no more!!

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That's dissapointing Moffer. Its terrible when the excitement of buying a new EP falls foul. Never mind, you can hunt and decide on another one. Always part of the fun, I think. Theres a Vixen NLV 12mm on ABS if thats any good to you? It doesn't have the FOV you might be looking for though. Good luck with it.


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Nah, looking for a wider FOV than the NLV, thanks anyway Bart.

Considering a  Baader Hyperion 68* probably 10mm. I've heard they don't perform well in fast scopes, but not sure how they are with a middling F6 200p?  Interested to hear from anyone who's tried this combo. Also will the 10mm Hyperion be good for DSOs ?

Thoughts much appreciated.

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I am not shocked to hear this. I used to order many things from TS in Germany, look at their site and most things are shown as in stock. I ordered something about 2 years ago and it was shown as in stock, it showed up 6 months later by which time I did not want it.

I hope this does not happen to you.


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I get very annoyed when integrity is breached, I wouldn't mind waiting if I was told from the start.


I emailed them this morning saying that I no longer wish to continue with the transaction and would they give me a refund ASAP.

If they've got any integrity then maybe they'll get their act together and refund me without delay...ain't holding my breath though!.....

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