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Incoming - TeleVue 26mm Nagler


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Well, I have finally joined the green and black club, as I will soon be the owner of a TeleVue 26mm Nagler. I am feeling a bit guilty at the moment, about having spent the money, but I am sure that will soon pass once the postman has delivered said package. I am really looking forward to using this eyepiece.

These EPs need no introduction and there are people on here who are in a far better position than I to sing their praises.

I managed to purchase this 2nd hand from a well-known auction site and I feel that I have gotten a good deal in comparison to the price new. These do not come up that often, this being attested by the number of people who say these EPs are “keepers”.

I sense this is the start of a very slippery and very expensive slope.


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A slippery slope with no bottom.....Nice EP.... :)

Indeed. I started at the TV plossls, next up are Delos, Naglers and Ethos.... it only stops once your collection is complete (and you leave a big hole in the wallet too!)

Congratulations, I hope this is just the start of a very visually pleasing (for the views you will get from it) road for you :)

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Congrats on that purchase, you will not regret it. I used the 26T5 Nagler on Olly Penrice's 20" Dob, and it is a cracking EP, even at F/4.1. Very comfy for those of us with glasses, too.If ever I get a fast scope that does not allow the use of my 31T5 (exit pupil issues), I will get myself the 26T5

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Superb eye piece mate. I know you've been after one for a while. this is my favourite eyeiece in my collection and I'd honestly sooner have this than the 21mm Ethos for a number of reasons.

hope you enjoy it as much as I have and still am. see you at PSP?

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Hi Ian

Congratulation on acquiring a fantastic eyepiece just wounderful for these wide open views in the summer like Cassiopeia ect

you will never be Disappointed with this eyepiece I use this eyepiece on a f/10 and a f/5 just fab

all the best and clear skies

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Thanks guys. EP is down for delivery today. Unfortunately even though my wife is off today she is not going to be in to sign for it :sad:  Before you say anything she will be alright with it, no need to try and get it under her radar, as I do not regularly make equipment purchases this expensive.


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Congrats on the eyepiece!   I'd be very interested to see how it performs.  Wonder if this eyepiece would round out my own set better than a 21mm Ethos.

Just checked and they show the exact same amount of sky, but the Ethos would have 4.5mm exit pupil and the 26mm nagler would be 5.6mm.  Both showing 1.3 degrees of sky.  The Ethos is obviously much more expensive.

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even David Nagler acknowledged to another SGL member once that if you have the 26mm Nagler or the 21mm Ethos, there's not much point getting the other one. That said, that member then went on to sell the 26mm and buy the 21mm and as far as I know loves it.

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I'm sure the 26 Nagler is a lovely ep, and not sure I would sell one if I had one. I guess the 21 E will show a darker sky background for same fov and some fairly marginal improvements elsewhere? Would be interesting to do a side by side, if the skies co-operate at PSP we should get the chance :-)


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As I moved from Naglers to Ethos I had the opportunity to compare the two designs in the same, or similar, focal lengths for a short while. There is really not a lot in it apart from the larger field of view, which is surprisingly noticeable despite only being 18 degrees on paper. The Ethos seems to be closer to an orthoscopic type presentation in terms of light scatter control and across the field sharpness and I believe shows less field curvature than the Naglers do. 

Not feeling able to spend the full wack on a 21mm Ethos (then £720 each !) I went for an Explore Scientific 20mm / 100 degree and, interestingly, I have since seen those described as being like a 100 degree Nagler in performance which seems a good summary.

The Nagler 26mm is one of those Tele Vues that seem to command 100% affection from those who have used it. I hope you really enjoy it Ian :smiley:  

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