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Well the Terminagler has turned up on time, great delivery service from TWC

First impressions are surprising, I was expecting it to be a lot bigger than the maxi but it isn't, it is quite surprisingly slimmer :shocked:

It is heavier than the maxi but not a great deal and it will not pose a problem for the SCT fork mount.

Concentricity throughout is perfect and that is a statement coming from a really fussy time served tool maker.

Beautiful black polished coachwork with pinpoint etching that is complimented with lovely tree frog green lettering.

Velvety soft rubber has been used for the eyepiece cup.

My only concern is the fitting of my filter, I think the bottom glass curvature of the eyepiece may clash with the filter and I don't want to risk and damage.

Of course I am going to have to try it at some point but I will leave it a while.

I will let you know how It performs functionally and optically as soon as I get the opportunity :smiley:

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Good description of the big Nagler there :smiley:

I often use a 2" filter with mine and it does clear the lower field lens, though it is close so some care must be taken when doing anything at that end of the eyepiece. It's all too easy to put a finger print on there !

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Not just yet as I am very happy with what I have but I have no doubts whatsoever I will buy another because of my love of astronomy and physics :smiley:

My strategy for buying quality eyepieces is mainly on the basis that they will suit any scope of reasonable quality and thus will not impose restrictions on type when that time comes. I think it will be a Dob though :evil:

....can I be the first to welcome you to the dobmob...you know its coming...AF!

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everyone should own the 31 nagler. and would after a peek through it. In my Tv NP101 it delivers 4.46* and this past Saturday night viewed the veil nebula in that field -breathtaking!

The ES82 30mm also delivers a fine view of the veil. I can only imagine the view through the Terminagler.

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Yes Calvin and thank you, a Dob is a must at some point :smiley:

It looks like the Met office is predicting a clear night tonight,does this men the Astro equipment gods have shone a light on me ? or is it just a stich up by the cloud gods :smiley:

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Yes Calvin and thank you, a Dob is a must at some point :smiley:

It looks like the Met office is predicting a clear night tonight,does this men the Astro equipment gods have shone a light on me ? or is it just a stich up by the cloud gods :smiley:

..just my luck..snowboard club uk bash at tamworth tonight..Damn!

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..just my luck..snowboard club uk bash at tamworth tonight..Damn!

I'm working tonight until 11:00pm, will probably get home knackered at 11:30pm, will try for some stargazing with the 10" dob though until 4am if I can make it that far :D.

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Congratulations on the 31mm Nagler, I am loosing track of the eyepieces that you are buying. Funny enough I thought the same about the size but after the 30mm Meade UWA I think all eyepieces look and feel smaller.


I have put an updated picture in the "show me your eyepiece case" I have only 7 eyepieces Alan :smiley:

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I like the way you say only 7. That is a good collection and some people would love one or two of them, most of all though they are all eyepieces for life, well that's the way I look at it.

I have a few but you have some I would like to try, the 8mm 12mm and 17.3mm Delos's. I can see myself getting the 12mm and off loading the 12mm Nagler.


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Thank you guys.

For some reason Alan I like the 17.3mm for general stargazing, even though it is an unusual F/L I think its suits my scopes F/L at 135 mag

I agree about your  "for Life" statement and that is my main reason for getting them. :smiley:

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Money well spent Shaun, money well spent. Where I can I like to get as good as I can afford.

X135 for general stargazing is a bit high in my books but it very much a case of each to his own. There and up to about X160 is my favourite globular cluster magnification, they seem to come alive around these marks. When you look at the at say X50 they are just a fuzzy ball in most cases.

My friend says the 17.3 Delos is the best of the lot, but when he only has two I am not sure how he comes to that conclusion.


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Money well spent Shaun, money well spent. Where I can I like to get as good as I can afford.

X135 for general stargazing is a bit high in my books but it very much a case of each to his own. There and up to about X160 is my favourite globular cluster magnification, they seem to come alive around these marks. When you look at the at say X50 they are just a fuzzy ball in most cases.

My friend says the 17.3 Delos is the best of the lot, but when he only has two I am not sure how he comes to that conclusion.


They are all great and share the same attributes. Dark contrast, nice eye relief, crisp images across the FOV  I am totally sold on them (but that's obvious)

I Select set the "GoTo" using the 17mm I then work my way down the mag range until I achieve the cleanest view.

I have also noticed eyepiece choice can change for the same objects dependent on the seeing. 

For instance Albireo is great with the 14mm, the double double is great with the 10, Planets with the 8,10, 12 and they all work brill with the Moon all the way down to the 3mm zoom :smiley:

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I posted the remark a while back asking if anyone thought Televue would carry the Delos design, which I do think is different from the Ethos, it is not just scaled down, into 2 inch fittings increasing the range in the way Pantax did with the XW range. I would have thought it was possible.


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I intend to buy more Delos in due course, maybe a 6mm next as I'm short of power at the moment, relying on barlowing the 10 mm. I find them very comfortable to use and now I'm not using my specs. Dioptrix with the 17.3mm but I find I don't need it with the 10mm. I wouldn't be so bold as to say whether ones better than the other. My skies aren't that good so the 10mm gets a lot more use with the better contrast and higher magnification for globulars. The wider field with the 17.3mm, despite the greyer sky is still very rewarding.

I do think I'm missing something with such a limited range at the moment, particularly in varying seeing conditions, but maybe that's just an excuse to justify more expenditure.

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I haven't used the 6mm but I do intend getting one at some point. :smiley: If it is anything like my 6mm zoom in performance then it will be a very worthwhile addition.

At the moment I've got mags of 46 69 & 120 without the Barlow, so the 6 gives me 200. Maybe I should get an 8mm sometime as well. Must admit I don't like using the Barlow, mainly out of laziness but also a sneaking feeling its not as good as an eyepiece on its own.

I've read with interest your takeover of televue, but I'm of the same mind to buy for life and spread the cost. Unlike some things they'll hold most of their value so can be sold if necessary. It's good fun as well

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