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cresent nebula colour opinions wanted

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I have used an atik383l+ with lrgb filters. Using pixinsight for processing I keep getting these colours on the background is this normal, if not any ideas what im doing wrong. Its my first attempt at lrgb images with a ccd so be gentle. Thanks for any input you may have.


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I have used an atik383l+ with lrgb filters. Using pixinsight for processing I keep getting these colours on the background is this normal, if not any ideas what im doing wrong. Its my first attempt at lrgb images with a ccd so be gentle. Thanks for any input you may have.


I have not done any LRGB imaging but a few weeks ago I imaged the Elephants trunk with my ED80. Atik 428 oSC and a Baader UHC-s L Booster filter and I got some similar colours to yours in the background. So I guess these must be true colours.


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The area around the Crescent nebula is full of emission nebulosity - in fact, there is not one single square arcsecond of sky of empty dark space. So the colours are perfectly normal. Check for example an older image of mine (the Crescent nebula is on the lower right of the image):


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