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Oh dear, green & black symptoms ahoy...


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Hi John, any views on how the 1.25" 2x ES focal extender compares in terms of performance with the 1.25" 2.5x Powermate?


Not having had both in my possession at the same time, I've not compared the two "back to back" so I can't know for sure but, apart from the additional magnification I doubt there would be much to choose between them. The ES FE is another one of those devices that just "gets out of the way" leaving just the additional power boost.

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Cheers John.

In that case I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the 10mm Delos and I just need to make my mind up whether to get the ES 2x FE or something like the Nagler 3-6mm.

My head says the FE - it means I will effectively gain 5mm and 8mm eyepieces (and 3mm!) and will be considerably cheaper than my alternative. My heart keep bringing me back to the magic moon zoom. :rolleyes2:

Think I'll have a ponder for a few days... life's hard eh?!

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