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NGC 1333 & IC 348 Widefield Thoughts? (WIP)


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A definite work in progress and I'm having a very hard time deciding whether I like this or not and would like some feedback from the community. I am seeing a couple of things I hate and hoping some of you see what I'm seeing and help me decide if I'm out of my mind.

Thank you and as always I appreciate honesty!


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Great shot, its a very difficult target. it may is pushed a little in the NR and star colour is lacking a little, and that's being critical. I really like the light chocolate browns of the background dust, great processing there. Well done, you have selected a hard object and produced a super result.

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You guys aren't kidding. This is a tough object and didn't know what I was getting myself into!

Jim, Tom, I totally agree. NR was pushed a tad too much and that was on account of my laziness to correct the initial run and thank you for confirming it!

*slaps forehead* Star colour!?! How did I miss that? *sigh* Martin, Tom ... thank you.

I think I'm going to sit back and give my eyes a break and come back to this one. I've gone through 4 iterations and have not been happy with any - need to stop being so hypercritical of myself.

Thanks again, folks!

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