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Heart and Soul Ha Mosaic


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Been after the other "half" of this for a while now (Had a few self generated problems that havent helped much :? :shock: )

OTA: William Optics ZenithStar 66 SD + 0.8 FR/FF

Guiding: NS8GPS @ f/10 + DSI-C + PHD

Imaging: QHY8 + MaximDL, 2 images, each being made up of 10 x 900s taken 17 days apart, Astronomik Ha 13nm

Stacked: DeepSkyStacker

Post Process: MaximDL + ImagesPlus + PSCS2 + Noel Carboni’s AstroTools

(Click on the image for the larger version)


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That's a stunning image Steve. The detail is very smooth.

You are a great salesman for the QHY8 I must say! Now I have the SXV lodestar guider I can guide non SXV cameras and still use my AO unit. A colour chip would do away with the need for filter wheels which are tricky with AO. You've demonstrated how well Ha will work of realistic exposure times. Hmmmm :icon_jokercolor:

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The process for this (and my other Ha stuff) tends to be stack with 2xdrizzle, mostly because I have that strange problem where individual subs are OK, but i get movement between subs... so the drizzle works really well on these. Then after that, depending on how much signal to noise there is, I either work on the stacked image, or 2xbin the stacked image in ImagesPlus and work on that.

For this (my first mosaic), I took both images into Maxim placed them down in the Mosaic tool, snapped them into place, saved it out and went to work on that.

I also have RGB for one half of this, but will have to wait a while for the moon to go away before I can get the other half, and then blend the Ha mosaic into the RGB mosaic.... now THAT should be something worth looking at :icon_jokercolor:

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This is a nice image. I have recently purchased the QHY8 myself and am just getting used to using it. I hope that, given time, I will be able to crank out images of this calibre. You should be very happy with this.

Out of interest, what gain and offset settings do you find work best? I am experimenting, but would appreciate any advice you might me able to offer given your greater experience with the QHY8.

Keep images coming!



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Thanks. You have confirmed my suspicion that the images I posted suffer from a too much gain (I was way up at 80%) and I was clipping. I am using the QHY drivers at present.

You have certainly managed to get some nice images out of your QHY8 which certainly encourages me. I hope that my images get to your standard sometime!



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