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That sky looks promising :)

Paul M

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The sky here is cloudless and quite clear.

The sun has just set and from the colour of the early twilight around the horizon it's not perfect but still promising!

So Ye Olde Fullerscope is already set up on the decking in anticipation.

Sadly it's our back garden decking awash with light pollution and not our caravan decking under dark Cumbrishire skies...

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Mine looks clear too but I suspect it isn't, As the sun set there was this nasty, very subtle but definitely present high cloud across the entire sky. I am hoping the lower temperature has dispersed it and I'll pop out in about 25 minutes to check. fingers crossed!

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Clear here to but i got to get up at 4:30am gutted but ive been out the last two nights so i cant complain.

I'm ok, not in work until Friday! I can be a very naughty boy indeed :)

Mine looks clear too but I suspect it isn't, As the sun set there was this nasty, very subtle but definitely present high cloud across the entire sky. I am hoping the lower temperature has dispersed it and I'll pop out in about 25 minutes to check. fingers crossed!

I have the same feeling here. I think it's actually water vapour (high humidity) that's making it slightly milky.

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Just got my Dob out under perfect blue skies for a cool down ready for a good evenings viewing, only to drag it back in again just now as it's now almost total cloud cover. Tests yer patience this astronomy business doesn't it! :angry5: I just like carrying it (the scope) up and down the stairs.

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Thick fog down at my end of the country - viz 40-50m top! Forecast looks better for tomorrow and poss Thursday night - weekend is looks set to be a wash out. Pity the poor revellers travelling down for the Bestival!

Only one thing more certain to generate rain than a new scope and that's a music festival ;)

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