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Odd streaks when binning?


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We had exactly this with Yves' SXVH36. Terry suggested a change to the potentiometer settings but it didn't work. It helped slightly but reduced the sensitivity when unbinned so Yves asked me to reset it, which was a bit daunting with someone else's megabucks camera. We have just had to accept that we can't bin, which is a bit of a drag since it would be ideal to do so with the focal length of the ODK14.


Edit, Ian, if you get anywhere with this would you drop me a line? A solution would be nice for us.

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...... but then it worked for me on my SXVF-M25C !! If making this sort of adjustment takes you outside your comfort zone, I really wouldn't do it, Terry can do it in his sleep - although I'm not sure that he does ever sleep. Some say he ...........

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...... but then it worked for me on my SXVF-M25C !! If making this sort of adjustment takes you outside your comfort zone, I really wouldn't do it, Terry can do it in his sleep - although I'm not sure that he does ever sleep. Some say he ...........

OK, to be brutally honest why don't they get it right before sending out the cameras? They clearly don't. Sorry, a bit shirty, but I've had a fair few SX issues and I wish Terry got more more sleep because he genuinely is a very nice guy. That's not at issue.


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Definitely outside my comfort zone!

I can just about manage wrapping black insulating tape around the H-18/Filterwheel joint - as it has a flipping light leak!

Why Oh Why did I not choose Atik?

So far - shutter blades shedding black paint on to the CCD. Replaced by paintless ones and cleaned by SX that left the biggest smiley dust bunny you have ever seen. Tried to clean that myself - broke the shutter. Replaced by SX. Terry is very understanding! Terrible camera collimation (my fault) fixed by the ever patient Terry - who by now probably really wishes I did not live 10 miles from his factory.

Then the binning streaks.

Now the light leak. Sigh!



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