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Experiences of using NextStar 4/5SE for astro photo?

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Have for a year been using a Sky-Watcher AZ GOTO mount, bought with their 5" Maksutov, but interchanging with a Bresser 900 mm APO and an older Tokina 400mm SD tele.

I am reasonable satisfied with my astro photos with these tools, but since DSS do not like to get +150 2MB 4300x3200 pix photos without getting upset and fail with "out of memory" (have max 8 GB on a win7), I have a problem with nebulas like North America and the Pelican. For acceptable result, they being in my zenit, 20 sec being max exposure per shot, I need around 180-200 shots, which DSS dislikes. Solution, increase to 1 or (even better) 2 min exposures. But as all (well, most) here know, with a AltAz thats is out of reach.

Sure, GEM would be the route to go, but since my GOTO with the Mak is about 6-7 kg, with the others OTAs less, while a Sky-Watcher EQ3 Pro I tested, is about 15-20 kg, to drag a such up and down some stairs each observation night is not an option, it will induce a fall or dropped scope sooner or later. Also, having a house between the locality and Polaris, no exact correlation possible, a GEM gives only 5-10 sec stability in the shots. Guide cameras would make it even less portable.

So, here is my "question", I tried a manual Bresser NG mount (the, in Europe partly unjustly, "infamous" Lidl Christmas telescope) with a $45 RA drive and it proved, though NG drive cogs unevenness and/or RA drive instability, that an AltAz on a wedge, very cautiously adjusted, can allow 1-2 min shots. I had some single ones this way, no movement what so ever, but the subsequent drifting disallows series.

I am therefore looking at an wedged AltAz, capable of handling up to 5, preferably 7 kg OTAs, not "rolling over" by the OTA weight and stable enough in the drive to allow for 1 to 2 min shots. Before you yell at me, "GEM only" look again above, I need a lightweight, portable mount, not needing a visible Polaris and all likely GEMs is totally short of that. Any here tested your NextStar 4/5SE mounts in wedge and succeeded to reach 1-2 min stability in your shots? I tried to wedge my Sky-Watcher, but its friction break did not hold anything larger than a Nex and a 200 mm lens in that position, also lacking a EQ setting. But if it had had a EQ setting, I am sure that I would have gotten my 2 min out, that stable is it, except for the AltAz rotation.



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