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Suprising number of Ethos' up for sale?


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Is it just me that's noticed this? or is it simply my imagination?. In my lazy search for a 13mm Nagler I seem to be coming across a lot of ethos' on both AB&S and a well known auction site. Strikes me as strange as I imagine the ethos to be an 'end of the line' EP that's kept for years. Am I just making this up????

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I counted about 5 inc fleabay. Perhaps it's not that many, but I suppose what I'm getting at is I'm surprised there are any up for sale at all. I'd get it if the market were flooded (that's flooded in relative terms of course) with Radians and Panoptics, but there seem to be more ethos' than other any TVs up for sale. I'm assuming everyone isn't switching to the ES100 so just a little surprised.

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Not recently but I have noticed the same, there are generally a good number of Ethos for sale. I think like Andy I would have assumed that a person starts with the budget end then gets better and better and eventually has a top class set they keep. Therefore selling the lower spec ones and keeping ones like Ethos's.

Suppose one way of asking is how many Ethos and how many BST's. Suppose I would expect more of the BST's as people sell those to move up to ES's and TV's.

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It may be that people have decided that they can live without some of the field of view in return for a bit more eye relief and are moving to things like Pentax XW's and the Delos range. It's not a great time to sell expensive Tele Vue models though, with the new prices having dropped around 15% recently.

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Worth knowing. I wouldn't sell an Ethos if I had one and wouldn't swap it for a Pentax either. It may just be my eyes, of course, but give me the Ethos. I don't do Ebay (can't make head nor tail of it) but maybe I should be looking out for an Ethos. I've used lots and loved them.


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I agree Olly I don't think I would part with mine either. However I sort of wish I had kept my 10mm Delos as well.

I don't don't really think 5 on sale is that over the top, it seems to go in waves. Having said that though with the reductions there have been I would have thought owners would still be licking wounds.

I am.


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There are always a few Ethos from the USA for sale on ebay, but not normally many from the UK :smiley:

Its always annoying when the price drops, it happened to me with my notepad, It was £150 cheaper a month after I bought it :Envy:

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I think that Ethos, replaces two naglers.... it is a good idea to "collect" some of them.I started with E8mm, that repaced my N7mmT6, and my N9mmT6, and everytime i use

it, i realise that it was a correct action of mine .

I also believe that ES are better value/money option....but i will not have the privillege to own TV eyepieces!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:

(hey...dont tell anybody that i bought them used!!!)

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I almost always buy used rather than new stuff. It keeps it viable as an affordable hobby and also allows you to dine at the next table up so to speak.

it's worth remembering that the EP (to me at least) is more that 50% of your scope and has a much more significant effect on the throughput than any other part.

So why wouldn't you want the best "it" thing if it produced an effect you like and you can access one?

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I've seen several Ethos eps on ebay and must admit was slightly surprised, but I take the points others have suggested as the reason for that. My biggest gripe, living in Finland, is that so many people seem reluctant to ship out of the UK. I don't quite understand why. They would get paid by Paypal which protects them and get paid before shipping. As the cost of shipping would fall on me, I find that frustrating.

Importing from the US is not very practical in Finland as they are sticklers for charging duty and vat on anything over 40€ and tend to keep the item at a place by the airport which you have to go to in person and pay the extra charges before they hand it over. Typically expensive and impractical. Made the mistake of buying contact lenses from the US once and ended up paying more than I would have done buying from here once the extra charges were included. Ridiculous and inconvenient.

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Andy J,

I found the same as you with people on Astro B&S but I have never found anyone on the forum that was not happy to deal with me here in Bulgaria. Maybe it would help if you got your posts up a bit so people get to know you better, I know it takes a while.

We also seem to have the same system here for imports from the USA too, I did it once but never again. I think it ended up costing the same.


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I've seen several Ethos eps on ebay and must admit was slightly surprised, but I take the points others have suggested as the reason for that. My biggest gripe, living in Finland, is that so many people seem reluctant to ship out of the UK. I don't quite understand why. They would get paid by Paypal which protects them and get paid before shipping. As the cost of shipping would fall on me, I find that frustrating.

That's ok until someone complains to Paypal claiming that they never received the goods even when they have. :smiley:

Paypal do not accept proof of postage.

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Alan, I'm only referring to ebay generally. I've not personally had problems, just been unable to attempt to buy certain items where sellers indicate they won't ship outside their own country.

I suppose there is a potential problem with people claiming they didn't receive the item, but international signed-for delivery should address that as there is then a record of the person receiving the goods. But of course no system is perfect.

from iPad by Tapatalk

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I suppose there is a potential problem with people claiming they didn't receive the item, but international signed-for delivery should address that as there is then a record of the person receiving the goods.

Hmm ... tell that to my mate who asked me to install a piece of hardware he'd ordered from a major PC manufacturer with signed-for courier delivery. I opened the sealed packing and there was nothing in it ... He asked for another and one was duly delivered with apologies. He opened it and contacted them again about another empty box ... The company were not impressed but sent another which this time was opened in front of the courier. The courier had no idea what to do when he saw the security sealed package was empty but he was a great witness. Turned out to be "an issue within the packaging department" which was rectified with a P45 and a copper ...

So as a purchaser, just signing for a package isn't good enough - it *must* be opened in front of the courier. As a seller you can only trust the buyer and use a courier with decent security procedures ...


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a lot of folk maybe don't understand how you use such a wide field. you cannot directly see it all at once. you need to look at the centre of field and take the rest in with averted / peripheral vision. this way you almost don't see the sides and get the 'porthole/fishbowl in space feeling.

I like my 13mmE but would not buy another and would not feel like I was missing out with e.g. a 12mm Delos or T4. I cannot, however, bring myself to sell it.

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I'm not sure there are a significant number of Ethoi up for sale, beyond coincidence.

However, It's not entirely out of the realms of believability that a few people have bought them and thought 'Whoopee do, 82deg was enough!' and retrenched back to Naglers, Delos, ES82s, etc and trousered some cash as well.

100deg is definitely more, but it's not necessarily better, or worth paying for, depending on your view of such things. The presence of Delos confirms that.


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