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Mallicam Video Demo


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Many thanks for putting the show together - I am currently giving much thought to video observing and your demo gives a good idea about the effect of frame integration rates.

I also like the idea of being able to control the integration rate of the camera via the computer. Out of interest is your camera a mono or colour version?

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Hello Star Forming,

The camera is colour but hard to tell on M13, have a look at my gallery. These are all photos of my TV screen. I plan to do some more videos soon when the time permits! Also if you are thinking video I would highly recommend it! My TV is now my only eyepiece and the best I ever had :)




Many thanks for putting the show together - I am currently giving much thought to video observing and your demo gives a good idea about the effect of frame integration rates.

I also like the idea of being able to control the integration rate of the camera via the computer. Out of interest is your camera a mono or colour version?

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Thanks Carl,

I plan to do more of these when I can as it is also a interesting to do, especially when it's cloudy! I need to work out how to do this as an eternal link though as it is much clearer when watching from the You Tube site. The background colour on this site takes away a lot of detail!!!



Nice demo good to see the settings in action.

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Quality stuff Karl loving the difference in views with the intregation. ...amazing. ...gotta keep making these videos it shows intrested astronomers how good video is and dosent cost the earth. ...davy

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Thanks Davy, I do plan to do more of these later on and hopefully improving as I go. One of the challenges for video astronomy is capturing what you actually see on the monitor live so that's what I'll be trying to do. Video like this also shows to those not in the know that these images are not processed. Thanks again Davy :) Karl

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  • 1 month later...

I watched this Video on You Tube a few weeks ago and even left a comment.

Now I know who to blame for it  :grin:

Good demo Karl   :laugh:

Thanks Ken, I know I responded too thank you :)  I must have that one under a different pseudonym! 

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I found your Video quite interesting, and the music, its very appropriate. Did you video the image on a Monitor that was displaying the Globular? I am considering Video after I spend a good amount of time, photographing through my Celestron VX8 SCT. Thanks for the Video, pretty nice.


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Very well done video Karl showing how to use the MC Control software.

Chris A


Thanks Chris, I plan to do more of these when time permits as I think they are really useful for anyone starting out and looking for information on VA in general.



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I found your Video quite interesting, and the music, its very appropriate. Did you video the image on a Monitor that was displaying the Globular? I am considering Video after I spend a good amount of time, photographing through my Celestron VX8 SCT. Thanks for the Video, pretty nice.


Hello Don and welcome SGL!

Thank you for your comments.  I was filming the image showing on my TV which I was using as a monitor.  The images were near live video using my Mallincam Xtreme video camera which was attached to my telescope outside.  If you are looking to get into video astronomy then this is a good place to start for information.  There are all manner of cameras that can do this for you it's just a case of working out what works best for you.  However, I can not recommend this highly enough as I think it is a fantastic way to practice astronomy!



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