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Sun inWhite Sunday 18 Aug


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This is the first time I have posted a solar image...Any advice greatly received. I struggle to achieve focus (How DO you do it with all the glare on the laptop screen??) and also doing the processing so I don't know if this can be improved with better focusing, processing or both. I had to keep pausing capture because of clouds (Here's the excuses I hear you thinking!) and ended up with 77 images from 120 (ISO 100, 1/1000sec, Modded 450D, cropped in PIPP then stacked in Reg6). really don't think I'm doing the align part of Registax correctly...Maybe this is the problem?

Thanks for any comments


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That's not a bad image at all :)

For focusing some people have a box that goes over the laptop to shade it from the Sun, or they hide with the laptop under a blanket, or use a patio umbrella. I think real hardcore solar imagers just use the Force.


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These days I use long USB leads to get me indoors in the shade when imaging , makes life much more comfortable than sitting out in the full sun .

If I am away from home and in a place with no easy shade I use this homemade cover that slips over the laptop screen and leaves the keyboard free .

The box is made from lightweight foamboard and duct-tape , viewing is through the slot to avoid as many reflections as possible and the box is flocked inside too .



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These days I use long USB leads to get me indoors in the shade when imaging , makes life much more comfortable than sitting out in the full sun .

If I am away from home and in a place with no easy shade I use

You have no idea how much I expected the next few words to be "very very long leads" :D


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I think it is a fabulous image, you have done very well indeed.

For focusing I use one of these (I bought it, I'm not clever enough to make things)

I can't link from Flickr, no idea why, so here is just a direct link instead http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexandra4/8036234569/in/set-72157628535593245/

But if the sun is low and in your eyes I still have to use an umbrella.


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