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Could anyone advise on this ???

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Image of m31 (well sort of) taken on a fairly brightly moonlit night

45 30s Lights

25 30s Darks

No Flats (is this the problem?)

Stacked in DSS

Cropped (stacking artifacts)

Only one small level stretch in PS


My question is could somebody please advise on what the light rings are emanating from the center of image ? Please ignore dust blob top left.

Thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to help, Oh and answers would be helpful if in "Laymans Terms...".

Thanks Again

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Hmmm. Are you allowing DSS to apply its transformations to the image when you save it? I would generally tell it not to apply them and then deal with the stretching myself in PS or whatever other application you use for processing.


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Oh, sorry, that was the single sub, hang on...

This is what I did with 30s subs and dark's. I still suck at processing, but you should be able to nudge a lot more out of it in DSS.

I can get more from the image but as I progress the rings get worse, Ive several ways of removing LP and gradients but with any more stretching the seem to reappear...

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Definitely worth a go. I'm sure the HEQ5 should be good for longer subs even with the 200P


I currently do not have the gear for guiding so spot on PA the order of the day, or I guess I will have to be prepared to scrap a lot of subs.... more hours in the garden..

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