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Is it worth getting a Hyperion 13mm?


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I'm not sure about that - while this seems appealing, but I've tried the Baader eyepieces including Hyperion and Scopos and they are awesome! What I like the most about the Hyperion is the eye relief - quite big and comfortable :) The filed of view is sharp from edge to edge and almost non-existing aberration or false colours. The Celestron equivalents seem very similar to the Meade ones - can't be certain though. I think it's worth checking on the Celestron you recommended, Mike.

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This post calls the Ultima LX a Radian beater. I have heard good reports of the Hyperions, but I have not heard them called Radian beaters. You could ask the user who posted it for more info, as he has a 13mm LX. Eye relief if 16mm, so pretty good for people with glasses (same as my 12T4, I think)
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Why not wait to see how the new SW SWAs turn out... very similar in terms of spec to the Hyperions. Having said that, I have a soft spot for the Hyperions (mainly in the outer edges :grin:)... I've used and own better EPs but somehow I'm very attached to my 21mm Hyp'. It's a very comfortable EP to use and clarity of image in the middle of the view is wonderful. Against my own better judgement I have been thinking about making exactly the same purchase (13mm) but hanging on in there till John gives us a first light of the SWAs.

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Well, considering that I can get the one I'm aiming for for £90 including PP and my confidence in the Hyperions I think it's worth a shot...

Yes, me too , soft spot for Hyperions...

I heard they'll be out of production soon and will be difficult to find. the Hyperion 3.5.mm for instance is not available anymore. I'm glad I got my 5mm :)

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5, 8, 13... A rather natural (Fibonacci?) progression. And they get more manageable (shorter!) with focal length. (Any excuse!) :D

But I would echo the above re. going with what YOU like. As I said (vented) elsewhere, I don't think I gained a huge amount by swapping around mid-ranged eyepieces. Maybe not as much as the astronomers who bought my "budget" Hyperions... :p

They were one of the first "alternative" eyepieces to make a dent in the wall-to-wall Televue (Pentax) ownership on CN. Some reviews were a bit extravagant even! But they seemed to generally pass muster with a sometimes tough (also knowledgeable!) audience. ;)

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Ok, change of plan. while checking on the Hyperion 13mm I came across a half price product I always wanted to try - the Baader Sky Surfer V finder ... I grabbed it for just over £40 - it usually sells at around £85. I read a lot of good things about it and it's just the accessory I needed to complement the usual RACI finder and replace the Telrad on some occasions.


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