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Deep sky EP for 8" SCT


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I'm very new to this wonderful hobby and need a little advice from you experts!

I've have been enjoying a lot of threads about EP's but I am having a hard time understanding what EP would be BEST for MY telescope!

I have a Celestron 8" SCT CPC XLT. I have a 1.25 star diagonal and It came with a 40mm EP.

I got talked into buying a Celestron 13mm Ultima LX (2"). I also have 2 other EP's (1.25"), a 12.5 and 25mm, from my 20 year old 6" Dob Meade Starfinder.

I just bought an O-III filter and a DGM NPB

I need a decent wide view EP for Deep sky observing.

A wide field would be nice but for me eye relief is the most important for now.

I would love the best EP but I don't think I would be able to tell much of a difference!

As I get more experienced and learn how to discern the sublte differences in eye pieces I can get a few really nice ones.

But for now, budget restricted, what would you reccommend? I'm thinking around 22mm??

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I added a 2" visual back, and a 2" star diagonal to my Celestron C8, and now use any 2" EP I like in it. My first was a TMB Paragon 40 mm which gives a very useful 1.34 deg true FOV. These EPs are no longer made, but the Skywatcher Aero is a clone. The EP I use most often on DSOs is the 22mm Nagler. If they are still around, I would go for the MaxVision 24mm 82 deg. That is a real bargain at the moment.

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I added a 2" visual back, and a 2" star diagonal to my Celestron C8, and now use any 2" EP I like in it. My first was a TMB Paragon 40 mm which gives a very useful 1.34 deg true FOV. These EPs are no longer made, but the Skywatcher Aero is a clone. The EP I use most often on DSOs is the 22mm Nagler. If they are still around, I would go for the MaxVision 24mm 82 deg. That is a real bargain at the moment.

I am just curious how big of a TFOV your C8 can do-I understand there may be some limitations?1.34 deg sounds good,I use similar in my 90mm quite a bit.
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I am just curious how big of a TFOV your C8 can do-I understand there may be some limitations?1.34 deg sounds good,I use similar in my 90mm quite a bit.

1.34 deg is about as big as it can get. The largest field stop of a 2" is 47mm in diameter, which combined with a 2000mm focal length gives 1.346 deg true FOV.

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its a tough choice due to the amount of options, I have only owned a couple of types. IE Celestron Xcel's, Delos and one Maxi.

The best all rounder is the !7.3mm Delos it does everything very well but it comes at a cost :smiley:

The BST seem to have very good reviews and are not too expensive, maybe one of them will suit your needs

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Regarding eye relief, all the EPs in my sig, and the Paragon(=Aero) 40mm which has been replaced by a Nagler 31T5 have long eye relief, as I wear glasses when observing. The Delos series also have good eye relief. Given that the SCT is F/10, cheaper EPs can perform well, and eye relief is generally not an issue in longer focal lengths needed here.

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Astro-Tech AF70 eyepiece in 22mm ?

$120 from Eyepiecesetc.com

Check for the diameter as eyepiecesetc say 1.25 and Astronomics say 2".

I have an idea they are both as in a replaceable insert, think the next one up is 2" only so I suspect Astronomics are a little wrong.

Look popular as both retailers say out of stock at present, worth asking about availability. Eyepieces etc site is out of date as it says "Expected Janurary 2013".

They have 17mm eye relief.

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Astro-Tech AF70 eyepiece in 22mm ?

$120 from Eyepiecesetc.com

Check for the diameter as eyepiecesetc say 1.25 and Astronomics say 2".

I have an idea they are both as in a replaceable insert, think the next one up is 2" only so I suspect Astronomics are a little wrong.

Look popular as both retailers say out of stock at present, worth asking about availability. Eyepieces etc site is out of date as it says "Expected Janurary 2013".

They have 17mm eye relief.

Just a thought, but are these specs not very similar to the new SW SWA Eps? http://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-eyepieces/sky-watcher-swa-70-eyepieces.html . Might be worth hanging on a while to see how these perform.

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At 70 deg FOV the 22mm can easily fit into a 1.25" fitting, as can my 24mm 68deg MaxVision, that bargain is still available:


The more expensive (but still a steal for that spec) 82 deg is apparently also still in stock:


For maximum FOV the 40mm 68 deg is also a candidate


Sorry, I linked to the German language version, click on the union jack to the left for English

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Wow! Thanks so much for your comments :)

Which would I use more than any other EP, a17mm, 21mm or a 28mm ?

I don't have the money to get a 2" star diagonal now so the EP will have to be 1.25".

Originally I had thought about the following eyepieces but now I'm not sure ??

Suggestions please! (even if they are not on this short list)

I was leaning toward the Baader but I'm really clueless at this point!

Explore Scientific 68° Series 20mm Waterproof Eyepiece - 1.25" Regular Price: $124.99 Special Price: $99.99

Tele Vue 20mm Plossl Eyepiece - 1.25" $115.00

Explore Scientific 68° Series 24mm Waterproof Eyepiece - 1.25" Special Price: $119.99 $149.99

Baader 17mm Hyperion Modular Eyepiece - 1.25"/ 2" $139.00

Vixen 25mm NLV Lanthanum Eyepiece - 1.25" $139.00

Baader 24mm Hyperion Modular Eyepiece - 1.25"/ 2" $139.00

Vixen 20mm NLV Lanthanum Eyepiece - 1.25" $139.00

Baader 21mm Hyperion Modular Eyepiece - 1.25"/ 2" $139.00

Orion 21mm Stratus Wide-Field Eyepiece - 1.25" / 2" $144.99

Explore Scientific 68° Series 20mm Waterproof Eyepiece - 1.25" Regular Price: $124.99 Special Price: $99.99

Tele Vue 20mm Plossl Eyepiece - 1.25" $115.00

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Has everone forgotten the Maxvision 24mm in either FOV or have they all been bought. Either will out perform most of the others listed. There are only really Televues and Pentax that were better than what was the Meade 5000 eyepieces, some even say the 24mm 68 degree is as good as the Panoptic, though i am not one of them.


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Has everone forgotten the Maxvision 24mm in either FOV or have they all been bought. Either will out perform most of the others listed. There are only really Televues and Pentax that were better than what was the Meade 5000 eyepieces, some even say the 24mm 68 degree is as good as the Panoptic, though i am not one of them.


I listed them above. These are really good deals. If I did not have the 22T4 already, I would snap up the MaxVision 24 82 deg instantly. I have the 24 deg 68 for solar (and other scopes with only a 1.25" focuser), and it is brilliant.

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The Astro-Tech AF70 eyepiece are both 1.25" and 2", there is a removable insert so would fit a 2" and 1.25" diagonal. So if thinking of 1.25" diagonal then later a 2" these would do both.

The new Celestrons have the same glass specification, same focal lengths, same eye relief and also 1.25" and 2" fittings, and if you search Barsta they seem to produce both eyepieces. Looks like the same motor in a different body.

I wonder if the outer is different and the glass is identical, they could produce a glass assembly in a tube then drop that tube into either body. Still Barsta make the BST/Paradigms and they are recognised as good so I see no reason to worry overly at this time. Main annoyance is if they are as good as the BST's as I will then want a set.

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Sorry Michael, so you did. I don't see any others worth looking at if these are still available, top quality for a fairly small outlay in comparison to what they did cost. I know what these cost new, 4 years back the full set cost me over 1000 pounds, seems a lot now for a green band with Meade on it.


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Number 2 with a 2" diagonal, number 4 with 1.25, for the reasons above, and because the shorter focal lengths have shorter eye relief. Personally, I would prefer the option of adding a 2" visual back and 2" diagonal. That really transformed my 8" SCT into a much more versatile instrument

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Thanks everyone for your input.

I'm going to stay with the 1.25" for now.

I thought I should get either and 18mm, or 20mm (so I could use a barlow) or just go for a 22mm or 24mm

but it looks like most of you recommend the 24mm


I have a Celestron 8" SCT CPC XLT. I have a 1.25 star diagonal and It came with a 40mm EP.

I got talked into buying a Celestron 13mm Ultima LX (2"/1.25").

I also have 2 other EP's (1.25"), a 12.5 and 25mm, from my 20 year old 6" Dob Meade Starfinder.

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Number 2 with a 2" diagonal, number 4 with 1.25, for the reasons above, and because the shorter focal lengths have shorter eye relief. Personally, I would prefer the option of adding a 2" visual back and 2" diagonal. That really transformed my 8" SCT into a much more versatile instrument

Yeah, you really need a 2" diagonal to get the most out of your C8. I went with a revelation quartz dielectric 2" / 1.25" SCT type. Combine this with a 27mm Panoptic and you will have a great deep sky set up :smiley:.

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I have the 82o 18mm ES, which is similar to the Meade equivalent that has been re-branded as the Maxvision and it's a lovely EP.

I tend to start low (32mm) and then move in to the 18mm and also a 14mm.

The 24mm would be a good place to start at around 80x magnification.


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