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Hi everyone!

I've recently seen the notice about SGL 9, and it's really got me thinking.

I've never been to a star party or astronomical society before, and it's be nice to meet some like-minded people. The only think that's stopping me, is that it's a HUGE distance away.

So I was wondering, is anyone else gonna go, who lives so far away?


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I think previous years has been attended by people as far away as Germany !

I couldn't make this years event, but attended two years previous and it was a fantastic event, very friendly, very educational and a blumming good time

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LOL its not the distance that putting me off, its telling the other half, that I might be going away with out her, I know which is going to cost me more as well :grin:

Bring her along..... other halves come too (and some even enjoy themselves and get more interested!)


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Talking about the other half, SWMBO came last year with LOADS of cakes. It chucked down with rain on the first night and we hadn't thought to get a reasonably sized tent. Just a 2 man hill-walker's tent was what we had. The first morning we woke to find a moat outside our tent, complete with three ducks!! This sounds horrendous, but we really enjoyed ourselves and learnt what we should bring next time. Experience counts......

On the upside, the people we met were wonderful. The cakes went down a storm. When the skies were clear we could walk around and talk with others about their set-ups. Most of us ended up around Luke and Sarah's massive 16" goto dob whilst consuming ridiculous amounts of beverage ( alcoholic or otherwise ) and a cracking time was had by all.

When the skies weren't clear, or the sun was supposedly out, there were plenty of folks to socialize with. I hope you get my drift......

BTW, we can't wait for SGL9.

hope this helps,


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LOL its not the distance that putting me off, its telling the other half, that I might be going away with out her, I know which is going to cost me more as well :grin:

well i am a referred to 'Mrs'... i have no problems just tell the other half.... he seems quite relieved actually :lol:


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I'm from West Yorks and I went last year (for the first time)... Took about 4 hours to get there I think!

I had a absolute ball! And I was ok my own (OH couldn't make it), AND I'm a Mrs too.

We had a couple of really gorgeous, clear nights.... I've never seen skies like it? Spotted the Pannstars comet, with help from others (especially RikM), it rained (a lot), it snowed (a bit) and it was far too cold to mention most nights (got down to about -7oC at one point), but I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!

I couldn't have met a nicer bunch of people! I had a blast! Loads of social activities helped to ensure I wasn't on my own for too long, plus loads of people wandering about to chat to, a chance to drool over other people's set ups and loads of Jaffa cakes and free tea and coffee! What more could you want?

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(got down to about -7oC at one point)

Hehe measured as -19 windchill thanks to the rather high wind we had! Icicles on the car in the morn too!

SOH comes along as she likes camping.. but ensure you have a duvet as well as the electric oil radiator, and sleeping bag. If all goes to plan we'll be there - and I'll bring a new duvet as well as ours so, like Psycobilly, if someone is caught freezing - I can repay my duvet-debt!

Just steer clear from the guided scope tour.. it will give you ideas the bank manager back home will not be keen on!

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I'm hoping to be there as well...

I have bought a new tent that I can actually stand up in, A new fishing bed thats like sleeping in a hammock and loads of new toys to play with both day and night ,,,, Plus I need Kev's help to teach me how to use it all if I haven't sorted it out by then...


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I wasn't convinced by the idea of Star Parties until I finally attended SGL7 - SGL star parties are now a VERY important part of my social calendar and if I get to do some astronomy too then that is an extra bonus!

Well worth the journey and yours from Sheffield is shorter than mine!

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This sounds great.. I've not been to a Star Party before. As all my mates think I'm a loony for looking through telescopes I'd be on my jack jones. I take it it's easy enough to get chatting there?

Wouldn't want to be a 3rd wheel!

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This sounds great.. I've not been to a Star Party before. As all my mates think I'm a loony for looking through telescopes I'd be on my jack jones. I take it it's easy enough to get chatting there?

Wouldn't want to be a 3rd wheel!

Don't worry no one get's left out... During the day just wander round say hello and chat about gear generally the Mod's and GM's don't bite... unless they are hungry or thirsty ;):)

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How's the light pollution down there?

There is a tiny bit of skyglow in the direction of Herefore (i think that it's Northwards), but I mean its a tiny bit!

The skies were so clear, it was actually difficult to pick out constellations - there were that many stars visible! My little 5" scope got amazing views of the Crab Nebula! It was fantastic!

Well worth the 4 hour drive if you ask me... and I'm going back next year!

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The clear nights are cold, very cold but that is why you go.

The wet nights are for whiskey tasting and help Alan to drink his lagers!!

It is easy to chat as the people there are very friendly.

Packs of Jaffa Cakes are the only essential needed.

The weather on the first Monday night was extremely cold, I had to take my shorts off

at 19:00 hours and put my long johns and paramo trousers on.

The weather during the day was ok as I was able to wear my shorts the rest of the week.

Woke up on Tuesday morning to snow....

A group of us went for breakfast on a Hereford industrial estate.

Once the campsite cafe opened we had a cooked breakfast every morning.

I hope to attend again and meet up with a great bunch of people.



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How's the light pollution down there?

There is a bit thrown up by Hereford on the North horizon, but this does not really interfere with imaging or observing. When it gets very dark and the skies are crystal clear, you see so many stars with the naked eye you can become disorientated. It can become difficult to pick out the constellations because the background stars you do not normally form an urban location are very bright and therefore the brightest stars defining the constellation almost become lost.

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