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I don't think this ones going back.

Just tested it on the church steeple with the dioptrx attached, eye guard down and it seems fine. Can't see much difference in the FOV with or without the dioptrx, not enough to worry about anyway.

Just need clear skies now :grin:

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I don't need the system but am interested, how does it work, the fitting of the diopter for astigmatisum?


in the photo you can see it attached. You remove the rubber eye guard to reveal the naked lip of the eyepiece that has a little rim to it. Rest the dioptrx over it then tighten it like a twist lock adapter. The dioptrx has its own rubber eye guard. Once on the eyepiece you just turn it to find the point that gives you the best view, a bit like the right lens of binoculars.

You buy the one that matches your prescription, mines 1.25, towards the lower end. Unless I buy more I'll need to remove it and reattach it as I switch eyepieces, that is if I don't want to wear my specs. It's a clever accessory. From what I can tell, you still need a long relief eyepiece though, but it is a big improvement over wearing specs.

it would be a pain if you were sharing the scope though, the non spec wearer would need to remove the dioptrx (very easy) but reattach the normal rubber eye guard which might be a bit fidly in the dark.

i thought they were quite dear initially but given what you can spend on contacts or glasses I decided they were a good investment for a great hobby.

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It's more than that, it corrects the astigmatism. If you wear glasses but don't have an astigmatism you can view without glasses by focussing. With an astigmatism you need to view through a prescriptive lens, either your specs/contacts or dioptrx

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i had one with my 22mm nagler never used it just stick it in the focuser and adjust the height to suit, it is there just to help with eye placment apparently. nice ep by the way

I think this is the plastic pupil guide not the astigmatism corrector.

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Just got in, sky's very poor but clear. Moonlight drowning out the views early on.

Really pleased with the nagler though. Very comfortable to use, great FOV which is what I was after. Most of the coathanger, andromeda and the satellite galaxy, the double cluster easily, caught m45 very late on, and m57 and sheliak again, which is becoming a favourite. Viewing Alcor and mizar I noticed them forming a rocket shape with the other stars to the right (eyepiece view).

I used the coma corrector most of the night. Coma wasn't obvious without it but it was when I looked for it. I positioned Alberio near the edge without it and it became distorted, not so with it in. Not so sure my correctors that good though, would love to try a paracorr (more expense).

I will use it a lot. I can see why you like it Shane. Look forward to using it in better conditions.

Thanks everyone for all the responses.

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Thanks for the reply on the diopter lens, never seen one before. I am sure if I buy a fast Newtonian a Paracorr would not be far behind. It is funny since I started writing the reviews I seem to spend more time looking at the edges of my eyepieces than the middle, how silly is that.


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Good to hear you got a nice first light, quickly too :).

Thanks for the reply on the diopter lens, never seen one before. I am sure if I buy a fast Newtonian a Paracorr would not be far behind. It is funny since I started writing the reviews I seem to spend more time looking at the edges of my eyepieces than the middle, how silly is that.


I do the same Alan. I popped in one of my cheaper eyepieces last night and thought 'this isn't bad', then the Moon drifted to the outer 30% and I remembered why I don't use it much...

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