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Bright Nova in Delphinus

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Thanks for the headsup! My first nova :). Easy find in my 10x50s, using Sagitta as a pointer. I reckoned about mag 6+, not that I've much experience at this sort of thing, plus still wisps of cloud hanging around the place.

EDIT - Actually having just had another quick look - I reckon its brighter than I first thought. 5 +?

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Found fairly easily with my 8x40s - several charts on the internet showing where it is, and once you know where to look, it's pretty obvious when you see it. Around magnitude 5, I guess.

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Just back in after 2 very brief looks - lots of high clouds with small holes - cirrocumulus? Either side of 10pm in the 10x50s. Looked comparable in brightness or a shade below that of eta Sagitta. Would estimate it's dropped below 5th mag.

It blends in more with the pretty asterism.


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It'll probably have completely faded by the time I get a break in the cloud!

It seems to be holding up quite well, and should be with us for a few weeks at least. Your Helios Apollo should be able to follow it down to mag 9 or 10, and after that, you could follow it with the 12" scope.

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Finally got enough clear sky to look at this through my Canon 15x50. Quite easy to spot by star hopping from Delphinus. Had a go at estimating the brightness using various star charts and I think it's at 5.7 ish (I'd be interested to know if anyone else has an estimate for tonight to see how close I am!!) Anyway now the clouds are back so I think that might be it for tonight!!

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