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Perseid with ionization trail animation

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Had a splendid evening with other Chipping Norton Amateur Astronomy Group members (did you see us on the Sky at Night this month?) including a few SGLs at the Rollright Stones last night. This was the best meteor I managed to capture, it actually lit up the ground as it shot overhead. I was shooting 30 second exposures with a Samyang 16mm F2 lens mounted on an Astrotrac. (Animation below still frame)



Perseid 13-08-13 00:42 by astronomel, on Flickr

Close-up animation including a second meteor and a couple of satellites.


Meteor Ionization trail by astronomel, on Flickr

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Well done mate, I knew it would be good one if you had anything to do with it. :icon_salut:

I almost went out again last night but fell asleep in the chair. All rested up now ready for the next clear night.

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That's fantastic. Brilliant image. tingting, it takes a while for the animation to load. Leave the page open and you should get there eventually.


thanks mate,

wow that s more like it! impressive indeed! :D you must be chuffed with that

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