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Woke up needing a Persieds.....

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Shattered after a long day in work I looked outside about 10.30pm only to see thick cloud covering the sky where I live. I therefore decided to call it a night and try again tomorrow.

Now I'm a pretty sound sleeper but fortunately for me nature called at about 2.30am. I decided to pop my head out of the window to check the weather and was amazed to see one of the clearest skies I can remember from my location.

I got dressed immediately and went out the back. Pulled up a lounger and lay back to enjoy the spectacle above me. I didn't have to wait long.... At least one every minute sometimes more frequent than that.

Even more of a bonus was the milky way sweeping overhead from east to west, again I don't recall seeing it this clearly before from the relative comfort of my back garden.

I was so impressed I decided to wake the missus up (it was about half 3 by now). Whilst initially unimpressed with being woken from her slumber she eventually agreed to come out a take a look. 5 mins later we were both out the back with a mug of tea enjoying the show. Phew!

On the way back to bed about 4am I tripped up the stairs and woke my 4yr old daughter up. That was it, now she wanted to know what all the excitement was so we sat on the end of her bed watching the Peraeids through her window. She made wish after wish for every 'shooting star' she saw. That really topped my night off.

Woke up for work at half 6 totally exhausted but thoroughly exhilarated with the night Id just had. I'm so glad I had that drink before bedtime!

Great night, can't wait for more of the same tonight! And I didn't even need the CPC1100 either!


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Glad you had a great night! :)

Like you i went out at about half 10 only to see the full sky covered with cloud.

Went out about 12ish and it started to get very clear! like very very very clear!

Seen the milkyway for the first time in my life! Could clearly see it move across the sky as time passed. and this was from a very light polluted garden!

Seen countless meteors and found m13 and m92 without the use of goto didnt even plug the scope in. Was well impressed.

Randomly looked at my watch and it was half 2 and time for bed :)

Prob my best night stargazing to date :)

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It's this kind of story that makes me smile!

It's really great when everything comes together like that and you can experience it with wife and daughter - I imagine you finally went to be with a real feeling of satisfaction I know I would have. We were also blessed with a clear night last night here in Germany although my viewing is severely restricted. I have decided to make more elaborate plans for next year - maybe back to Portugal again to view the Final of the Perseids Show.

Kind regards


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You've captured perfectly the joy of observing in that report :smiley: How brilliant to share it with family too! We had a similar experience on Monday night out Perseid watching, I also had that feeling of 'I hope they remember this forever'.

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Sounds like a wonderful night you had. I must say, you're a braver man than me, waking your wife at 3 am :). You've made me wish my daughter was 6 again instead of 16.... oh the horror ;)

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