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Is it worth me trying to see the Perseids and/or ISS tonight in London?


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If it were clear then I would expect you to see some meteors, they are after all something burning up and getting white hot.

The clouds however sort of upset all options, even if it is 100% dark then cloud cover prevents you seeing anything.

Bit like star parties, the first requirement is actually a clear sky, then a dark one. If it isn't clear then dark or not you see nothing. :rolleyes:

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If it were clear then I would expect you to see some meteors, they are after all something burning up and getting white hot.

The clouds however sort of upset all options, even if it is 100% dark then cloud cover prevents you seeing anything.

Bit like star parties, the first requirement is actually a clear sky, then a dark one. If it isn't clear then dark or not you see nothing. :rolleyes:

I did figure clouds would prevent seeing anything :) I was meaning more light reflecting from *partial* cloud cover affecting the rest too much. And there's one or two stars burning up and getting white hot, but you still can't them in London either :)

I figure I'll just give it a go, nothing to lose!

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Why we don't sell our optical stuff and do some crowdfunding for a communal radiotelescope somewhere in London? :D

Scattered clouds are starting to gather now, and they move, I thing, southwards. BBC Weather says clear sky in a couple of hours. I'll enjoy "The Bourne Supremacy in ITV2 until then :)

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I've just got back from a little session in the park. What I wanted to see was obscured by cloud, so I took my chances where I could find them and went cluster hunting. Found M2 and M103 for the first time, also visited M13 and the Double cluster - that is one object that you really want those dark skies for because it was lost in the haze. Nearly managed to point the 'scope at the ISS as it bumbled across, but wasn't fast enough. Caught a couple of Perseids out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to take another look at M52 but the clouds weren't having any of it. And it was misty.

It's always worth having a look, even in London.


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