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synscan AZ goto and a wedge

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I gather the Synscan AZ goto mount does not support the use of a wedge, unlike the celestron equivalent which I believe has a NEQ mode for RA only in the Northern hemisphere.

What I wanted to know is, is there any way to control the mount from the PC using another interface which bypasses the hand controller and would only send the Azimuthal commands, i.e. would have its own EQ mode? Technically it should be possible as you would just have to send only Azimuthal commands and ignore Alt but I wondered if it had already been done? Maybe that EQMOD/ASCOM lark does something like this?

I have Stellarium controlling the mount nicely but would this work with a wedge? There is a mode to switch between EQ and AZ mount but I think this might just be a simulation...

I'll keep diggin but if anyone knows already that would be ace!


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From reading the manual it would appear that it no longer supports the use of a wedge. There is no mention of being able to set the mount to EQ and the menu tree has nothing in it to suggest the option is there. Pretty sure that it used to be present.

If you fitted a wedge then the movement would be wrong as the mount would still assume an Alt/Az and so there would be a vertical component added in that would lose the target.

Not 100% sure of Stellarium but the EQ mode sounds as if it is what you want. There is a ,lot more space and power in a PC so not a concern to have it present.

One "problem" I can see id that a wedge is not an inexpensive item - one of the purchased metal ones can be plain costly. It could actually cost you less to buy an EQ mount.

Thinking about this I am a little perplexed as this would imply that if you have a pier and put an Alt/Az mounted scope on it then it is useless (I think). That doesn't make sense. However from the online manual I can nothing that gives the idea that the user can specify the mount and so override what the software senses.

Not sure how good SW customer support is but an email asking may supply an answer.

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Thanks ronin, that's very informative. I remember the SW handset having the EQ function in there (I think) when I got it but I have flashed the firmware since then. Might try to get an older version of the firmware from somewhere and check it out.

SW customer service is virtually non-existent from my experiences thus far. Seems this is where the Celestron alternative beats the Skywatcher. Bit more expensive but looks to be generally better. Are they not owned the same company now? Perhaps it is a way of limiting the Synscan AZ GOTO mount as an incentive to upgrade? Maybe I'm just cynical!

Thanks again for the info, I will keep investigating and report back.


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It does seem odd that the option is not present as a manual option. The university at Hatfield has several scopes and all are on pillars so they have to be told they are equitorially mounted. Not sure specifically if any are Skywatcher but would guess a couple are and removal of that would render them useless.

I know my Meade can be set to Alt/Az or EQ as the damn thing changed itself once and tried to ram the OTA into the base.

I know the new SW software determines either Alt/Az or EQ from the mount but as you have asked putting an Alt/Az mounted scope on a wedge, or a piller, is not uncommon and it seems is no longer a configurable option. Also think the Skywatcher mounts came such that the base could be angled to simulate an equitorial wedge. So again that is gone.

Yes, Celestron and Skywatcher are both owned by Synta.

Wonder if OVL could help?

They import them.

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Thanks, gave OVL a try as you suggested. "We are unable to respond to queries of a technical nature from the general public, please contact your nearest dealer/stockist for this assistance"

So looks like I will have to hope FLO can advise, or at least confirm that it's just not an option.


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Plain weird, at this time I think Celestrons, Meades and iOptron Alt/Az mounts can be set to Eq or Alt/Az and in effect override the "normal". But not a Skywatcher. So if you have a wedge or a pier don't buy Skywatcher it seems. Interesting marketing/selling point.

Wish you luck.

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Well, Steve at FLO is equally baffled by this apparent removal of such a fundamental feature from the firmware. He kindly offered to speak to the importers for me.

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Oddly I can understand it happening.

SW now have the software determine the mount type = EQ or Alt/Az.

So someone has simply said if the software determines what the mount is there is no ned to ask the user.

Whoever wrote the updates then gets told "No need to ask the mount as the software does all that."

Result is the manual input option is removed or in this case I suspect bypassed.

Would guess it is still in there but not accessable (dead code), as no reason to remove it at this level.

Wonder what the software defaults to if the mount cannot be identified?

Probably just errors.

Design is probably something like:

Identify Mount type

If (Mount = EQ) then run EQ-Software

Elseif (Mount = AltAz) run AltAz Software

Else Error(NoMount)



No option to define an Alt/Az mount on an EQ wedge or pier.

Cannot blame the developers as some of the things I tried would scare the hell out of people. All because i/we didn't know the details of the operation of what we worked on.

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True that, can't complain for a low end mount. Guess they are trying to make it as easy as possible for beginners. I have a mate who writes medical software code and doesn't always know exactly what his piece of the puzzle is doing.

heard back from Steve at FLO, Skywatcher have said that the motor board only works with AZ mode. Still slightly rubbish that the Celestron equivalent which is in the same price bracket offers this, but then a £200+ wedge is indeed negated by the cost of a basic EQ mount with motor as you say. I'm restoring my old EQ mount anyway :)

Thanks for your thoughts on this dude.

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p.s. Steve sent me the latest version of the manual which states that the handset auto-detects the mount but there is definitely no way to override it. Puts that one to bed at least!

thanks again

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  • 3 months later...

'The handset auto-detects the mount'

How ?

You've got me interested. I have a sysnscan az goto. I intend one day to have a pier and making a wedge that just works in my location is not difficult. In my opinion most astro engineering is overpriced. Their ought to be some Chinese source turning out wedges by the thousand by now.

I do not believe that the AZ drive will not work tilted.


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'The handset auto-detects the mount'

How ?

You've got me interested. I have a sysnscan az goto. I intend one day to have a pier and making a wedge that just works in my location is not difficult. In my opinion most astro engineering is overpriced. Their ought to be some Chinese source turning out wedges by the thousand by now.

I do not believe that the AZ drive will not work tilted.


The handset and the mount communicate with each and the handset detects the type of mount (eq or alt-az). the handset then initialises the correct alignment routine.

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There is an Alt-Eq6 mount that enable the type selection menu. I made a research about that before.

I constructed a wedge for my Virtuoso mount and connected it to a Synscan, but all software versions after 3.30 auto-select the mount type. My solution is operate the mount setting the longitude coordinates to 90deg. This solution tells the mount that the az fork is pointed to north (or south) pole. The disadvantage is that sometimes I receive a "below horizon" alarm from synscan.

The other option is to use the Synscan Ascom driver and set it as EQ, but I didn't tested this option yet.


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There is an Alt-Eq6 mount that enable the type selection menu. I made a research about that before.

I constructed a wedge for my Virtuoso mount and connected it to a Synscan, but all software versions after 3.30 auto-select the mount type. My solution is operate the mount setting the longitude coordinates to 90deg. This solution tells the mount that the az fork is pointed to north (or south) pole. The disadvantage is that sometimes I receive a "below horizon" alarm from synscan.

The other option is to use the Synscan Ascom driver and set it as EQ, but I didn't tested this option yet.

In time: I tried to downgrade my synscan software to a versior earlier than 3.30, but my synscan display goes crazy. It shows broken words and numbers and use only some column of the display.

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Hi Daniel.

I like the ingenuity! Now I shall certainly try that myself when I get a pier set up.

Does it still 'goto' after the horizon alarm?

I'm new to this - tell me more about the Ascom software - are you controlling via an external computer?



How does it communicate?


If anyone can supply technical details/circuit diagrams/description of operation of handset and base or indicate where they could be found I would be grateful.


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