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self centering adapter

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I bought a self centering adapter from FLO and i am having a problem with it, installed it in the focuser first night out with it tonight and no matter what eyepiece put in i cannot focus, ive got the focuser right out and still not focusing ive got to pull eyepiece up and out of the adapter so its right on the edge to get focus. Am i missing a attachment or something as the way it is useless. Nothing to do with FLO they were brilliant dispatched really quickly it must be me.


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The self centering adapter looks lower profile than the standard Skywatcher 1.25" adapter is so the eyepieces will need to be racked out further to reach focus. Too far, by the sound of it. Perhaps try the self centering adapter with the standard Skywatcher 2" adapter in place and that will put the extension back into the system.

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The self centering adapter looks lower profile than the standard Skywatcher 1.25" adapter is so the eyepieces will need to be racked out further to reach focus. Too far, by the sound of it. Perhaps try the self centering adapter with the standard Skywatcher 2" adapter in place and that will put the extension back into the system.

I tried that it goes the opposite then racks all way in without focusing its like i need and inch ring in between. It is too far out now as you can see on picture i need something in between,


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I see what you mean - you need an extension tube that makes up the difference in depth between the self centering adapter and the standard Skywatcher 1.25" adapter. The trouble is that I don't know of any shorter than 35mm.

Maybe someone else knows of one - FLO perhaps ?

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I see what you mean - you need an extension tube that makes up the difference in depth between the self centering adapter and the standard Skywatcher 1.25" adapter. The trouble is that I don't know of any shorter than 35mm.

Maybe someone else knows of one - FLO perhaps ?

I will give them a ring tomorrow thank you very much, it does look like i need 20mm/25mm extension tube like you said where to get it from i can only ask FLO maybe they have something or point me in right direction.
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You shouldn't need an extension, the self-centering adaptor should fit snugly inside the 2" adaptor just as the 2"-1.25" adaptor does. Can't see from your pics, but I assume your adaptor is utilzing the 2" focuser correctly so it should be OK. I have the Orion self-centering adaptor and it works perfectly with the focuser, and also I stick filters on the end (and therefore inside the focuser) and all works well. Something doesn't look right in your picture, but for the life of me I can't think what it is. That's not a T-ring on the end of it is it? If so, you will need to remove this for it to work.

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You shouldn't need an extension, the self-centering adaptor should fit snugly inside the 2" adaptor just as the 2"-1.25" adaptor does. Can't see from your pics, but I assume your adaptor is utilzing the 2" focuser correctly so it should be OK. I have the Orion self-centering adaptor and it works perfectly with the focuser, and also I stick filters on the end (and therefore inside the focuser) and all works well. Something doesn't look right in your picture, but for the life of me I can't think what it is. That's not a T-ring on the end of it is it? If so, you will need to remove this for it to work.

No i removed the 2" to-1.25" and put the adapter straight in and couldnt get focus racked all the way out tried with the 2"adapter that came with scope (second picture) and thats too far out racked all the way in and couldnt get focus.
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Hi Wookie, then I just don't understand it at all. I mean, I just bought mine, stuck it in the 2" focuser attachment and it just worked, I think my 200P has the same type of focuser arrangement as the 150P, so not sure what to say.

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I suspect your focuser is low profile for Astrophotography and therefore you would need a spacer to use for visual whether you were using a SCA or not

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Just bought this Alan from skys the limit said try it if it doesnt work just send it back he will refund me. As its 25mm this may be just what im looking for.

Are you sure this is the one you ordered? The link is to a 1.25" extension, you need a 2" extension.

I have an Orion self centring adaptor. For some reason my 150P has a longer 2" extension than the one that came with my 250PX. they both have the same single-speed Crayford but the adaptors are different. I use the shorter one and it focuses just fine.

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Are you sure this is the one you ordered? The link is to a 1.25" extension, you need a 2" extension.

I have an Orion self centring adaptor. For some reason my 150P has a longer 2" extension than the one that came with my 250PX. they both have the same single-speed Crayford but the adaptors are different. I use the shorter one and it focuses just fine.

Yes its the one and ive messed up i need the 2" one i onlu got the 2"-1.25" focuser and the 2" you see in picture i think i should have bought the 2" to 1.25" self centering adapter wouldnt have had this problem.
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Should work with the 2" adaptor, though it looks posher than mine. On the question of extensions (John) the shortest I have found is the Baader FTR's 14mm & 28mm, I use these on the odd occasion, they fit onto anything. But, Wookie, you shouldn't need it with your set-up.

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Looking at it, I'm not sure I agree. The 1.25" adaptor seems to extend out from the base, whereas the self centering adaptor does not have this extension. My guess would be that a short ish (20/25 mm) extender would be needed.


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Hi Stu, the 1.25" adaptor and the 2" adaptor are the same height when fitted to the focuser, so I would say no extension needed. Noting that the 2" adaptor is fitted to the focuser and then the self-centering adaptor is slotted into the 2" adaptor fitting.

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Excuse the crummy iPhone pic.

Here are the 2" adaptors and Orion self-centring adaptor I have. I don't remember which way round but one came with a 150P Explorer and the other came with a 250PX Skyliner. I need to use the shorter one to get focus with either scope when using the Orion adaptor. The short one is a 35mm extension; the longer one is 47mm.


I think I will get one of these in the future. http://www.f1telescopes.co.uk/shop/revelation/revelation-self-centre-35mm-extension-tube-2-inch/?gclid=CMjOysjK7bgCFYPHtAodOQoABg as that would give me self centering 2" and 1.25" with the adaptor I already have.

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Hi Stu, the 1.25" adaptor and the 2" adaptor are the same height when fitted to the focuser, so I would say no extension needed. Noting that the 2" adaptor is fitted to the focuser and then the self-centering adaptor is slotted into the 2" adaptor fitting.

Ah yes, I see, makes sense.

I guess the difference may just be the thickness of the top of the self centring adaptor and the length of the 2" adaptor. Bit of trial and error required I guess.


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It might be an optical illusion but in your second picture the original 2" x 1.25 adaptor for your scope looks shorter than the 2" I've just looked at mine and they are both 46mm long.....might be worth checking

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