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Best eyepiece size for Lunt LS60T?


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I am getting into my recently purchased Lunt LS60T in a big way - it even has me getting up at 8am on a Saturday!

I am using a 10mm Delos which with the 500mm focal length gives a magnification of x50

Obviously, I want to "see more", so my 3 questions are...

1. Is it worth my while to buy a 6mm (x83) or 8mm (x62) next?

2. What size eyepieces do other users of Lunt LS60T (for visual) find most satisfying?

3. At what magnificartion will the Lunt LS60T struggle to get a sharp focus?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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I have the Coronado SM 60 II which is similar. My most used ep is a volcano top ortho 12.5 and when seeing allows a 9mm . Going higher usually does not provide me with more details.

I tried my Leica zoom as well but prefer for solar the simplicity of a ortho. With the low mag it's not a problem to have such a small fov.

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Another option to consider is a baader Maxbright bino. It can be arched direktly to the blocking filter and gets into focus with a 1.7x corrector. Used it with a pair of 20mm plossl and it will show you more details more relaxed then any cyclops ep. (Which I had bought the Lunt, struggle to get the bino into focus with my Coronado :( )

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