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Eyepieces and 4" Fracs


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You just have to take into account the focal lengths of your scope and eyepieces to make sure your exit pupils and range of magnification will be in a sensible range, and that the focuser will accommodate the EP barrel sizes.

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I sometimes worry about heavier eyepieces slipping in the diagonal when pointing the frac up towards the zenith and if paranoia overtakes me, I'll just swop over to something lighter. Apart from that, it's just as Rik suggests, a sensible range of field-of-view, magnification and exit pupil is good to work out so you have a coherent run of eyepieces. I also find a run of high mag eyepieces are very useful for planertary, lunar and double star work and a 50x eyepiece for general white light solar viewing.

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I have eyepieces ranging from 3mm (Radian) to 31mm (Nagler) and all of them are very useful with my 4" F/6.5 and 4.7" F/7.5 ED refractors. The 31mm Nagler coupled with the 4" F/6.5 gives a 3.9 degree true field and, when used with an O-III filter, which show the whole of the Veil nebula in the field of view. One of my favorite views in this hobby :grin:

The 31mm Nagler has an exit pupil of 4.76mm with the F/6.5 refractor which is very usable. It's going to be perfectly alright with even the fastest of the options you are considering.

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I have the same scope as you mention, 115mm and I have from 3mm to 41mm, all work well. I would not go to 2.5mm myself but I am sure on some targets it would work. I have not had a problem with eye-floaters myself but some do at the lower focal lengths.


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