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My first attempt at a mosaic

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I've recently gone over too ccd imaging from a cannon 1100 and as i get alot less capture area from my 314+ comapred too the 1100 i thought i would try somthing a little more tecnical and try and do a mossaic.

I have too say mosaics are not withought it's pitfalls, but by the end of the image i was starting to come to grasps with it all !

I've put together 14 panes ! when in fact it should of been 9 . I have now got cdc working for me nicely and have a pretty good idear where im shotting in the sky now :)

This image is also my first with a HA filter.

Each pane was taken at f6.3 with a ed80 and SW reducer

15min subs x4 for each pane.

I had a guiding problem where my guide star hardly moved by i got rotation in my image . I think it was down to my guide scope which i hadnt aligned as well as i could do and it's somthing which i hope to solve next time i get out imaging again !

Anyway here is my attempt at NGC7000 and IC5070 ( North American Nebula and Pelican Neb )


Seeing so many Amazing pictures on SGL has inspired me to get to this point ! Maybe one day i'll revised this with some other filters (when i get them )

Thanks for looking


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Thank you Gonzo, Daniel , Jannis ,Sara .

Yes i thought about putting my picture in the Imaging section but looking at alot of peoples amazing photo's ,and i really do still feel like i'm a beginer. I thought it better off in Beginners section :)

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