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Hello from Glasgow


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I have been reading and posting in this forum for a while now and realised I have never done the "intro" thing.

Like, I would imagine most of you, I have always been interested in space and after advice from forum members, reading Turn Left at Orion and Binocular Astronomy and reading through a lot of very informative posts from the friendly and knowledgeable peeps here I took the plunge and bought a Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT a few weeks ago. (My wife also accuses me of being obsessed with gadgets so its probably a good hobby to have.)

I've only had 1 night time observing session as 1) I have been away on holiday and 2) summer nights haven't been that dark where I am however I have observed the sun a few times and attempted a solar imaging session which didn't work out too well but I've been given pointers from forum members.

Since then I have also bought a number of eyepieces which I am very happy with (thanks to rwilkey for his recommendation) and listing other things which I will "need to buy ;) " which will no doubt be detrimental to my bank balance.

I am looking forward to squinting at the planets and the other items my scope can deal with especially as I've just hooked it up with Sky Safari Plus on my tablet using Bluetooth.

I have got a bit of a split life: for 5 weeks at a time I work on a survey vessel so I get to experience some very dark skies. I have recently bought a small poro prism monocular for taking in my luggage (it has to be small as I sometimes crew change by helicopter so there is a weight limit) however my vessel has moved from South Africa to the North Sea so I reckon the night sky will be too light whilst I am there...I'm not too sure where we are heading next.

The other side is that I get 5 weeks at home. I have 3 kids so I don't get to mooch about too much but the older 2 seem very keen in seeing some planets so hopefully will get some lined up for us all.

In addition to the Mak and binocular observing I hope to continue with the white light solar filtering (looking forward to the kids going back to school as I erect the scope where they like playing footie) and maybe next year may contain consider a Lunt or PST as I have been blown away by the images posted here and mesmerised by this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY2n2CHMXfI

Thanks for making me welcome and I promise to keep on asking questions. Maybe in time I can offer assistance to someone starting out.



Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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Hi Steve welcome to SGL. :smiley:

I also use Sky Safari via Bluetooth, it's a great tool when your out observing more so when the darker nights return. It must be great to get the chance to see the southern constellations when your at sea something I've not had a chance to see yet! :smiley:

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Hi Steve and welcome to the forum. Asking questions is what it's all about and the daftest question is the one you didn't ask! We're all beginners really as it's impossible to learn it all and what we think we know keeps changing anyway. :smiley:

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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Currently in Bergen which is known for its inclement weather. So I have gone from Glasgow (hardly a tropical paradice) to Bergen. I guess I wont be getting a break in the clouds for a while then :)

Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 2

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