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Cheers all. It's a great bit of sky.

Sorry for the slow response I've been away.

I doubt you northerners can see this one, it rotates about 30 degrees off the southern pole.

The eq8 slotted straight in where the eq6 was. Software wise, I had to turn down guiding aggression a lot and dropped exposures from 3 to 2 seconds. Other than that, it's a mount :)

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That's one stunning bit of sky and nice to here that the EQ8 is performing. The 1102 certainly delivers acres of wide-field and with views like that you'll have us all emigrating to Oz!

Would be great to see some of the guiding curves and here some more about how you're getting along with the new mount - there's certainly a few in here itching to find out how it measures up and with the 12" newt you'll be giving it a reasonable load.

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Calibration time? From the eq6 i turned down exposure time from 3 to 2 seconds and reduced aggression in both maxim and eqmod. It seems it just needs a gentle knudge,

Someone else asked about guiding ... here's a maxim screen print which looks like it's from this image.


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