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TMB Planetary II v BST Explorer ED v Celesteon X-Cel

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Yes Shaun, that is why I am re-doing the barn roof at the moment, because if my better half ever finds out how much the eyepieces I have cost, that's where I will be. She asked me the other night, why so many you only use one at a time.

I have to say I was staggered by how much a pair of trainers can cost, when I was jogging a good pair of Nike was only about 50 quid and that wasn't that many years ago.

The cement mixer is getting closer to the observatory though, I put a concrete floor down last week so now it's just bricks and roof. The wife has her uses she said to me make sure you make the door large enough in case you want to change the telescope, how she knows I want a 16 inch I don't know.


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I think they are born with the ability to hear everything, even our thoughts :grin: I was once sat thinking about my car and the wife answered me !!! :Envy:

Apologies to the post owner, slightly of track :smiley:

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