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baader eudiascopic

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for some reason, they never seem to get mentioned much, they look similar to the bgo,s but they have the eye guard. i think they have another set of lenses in them. thats all i no sorry, but john will be along soon he nos everything about eps :grin:

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These are generally well-regarded, and thought to originate from the same factory as the new Japanese Orthos coming out right now.

They are believed to be optically the same as Antares Elite Plossls, Celestron Ultimas, Orion Ultrascopics, and Takahashi LEs. As always however, differences in barrel design can dramatically affect performance in terms of field-stop sharpness, veiling glare and overall contrast.

One thing I have always wondered about however, is the fact that the reviews for this family of eyepieces are not consistently good - I have seen people report issues with glare, scatter and sharpness - whereas others report some of the best views they've ever had.

The design is that of a symmetrical Plossl with an additional bi-convex lens between the two achromats (just like the early Japanese Meade Series 4000 Plossls).

I've always wanted to try them, but the lack of second-hand availability and the high price new has always put me off.

Note that the Antares Elite Plossls (same optics and same barrel design I believe) can be got for about £75 new in the UK if you know where to look...

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