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Has a home tried kellners too

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Plenty people like RKEs but only Edmund Optics seems to supply them these days. I am always baffled why they ask higher prices for their RKE than for their orthoscopics.

As others have said in other threads, much depends on figure of the lenses and coatings. A poorly executed ortho might be beaten by

Kellners, RKEs, Plössls, and Abbé Orthos are all derivatives of the Ramsden design, and share many of the same properties, like an eye relief that scales with the focal length. Typically they are comfortable at 20-30mm bat start getting problematic for people with glasses below, and for many people above, because the eye relief becomes excessive. The problem is they are all scaled designs, which means long focal lengths are scaled up versions of short focal lengths. In scaled designs eye relief must scale with focal length.

The main point of EPs is of course to look through them, not at them. If you like the views in your current EPs, like the RKE 28mm, then keep it. Your R-V6 is fairly tolerant anyway (just like my F/10 SCT) so many EPs perform well. I only started using high-end EPs when I started to see such minor shortcomings as my Plössls and later Vixen LVs had. Part of that was lack of FOV.

If you are happy with your current EPs that is all that counts.

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