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DSS Frustrations - please help!

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Hi chaps & chapettes,

Had this problem a couple of times now and it's causing me to lose entire nights of data, so I'm pretty wound up about it.

When I'm loading my RAWs (Canon) into DSS, they're only displaying as thin vertical slices of the image. If I continue and register, stack etc, the final image is just the same. I don't even think it's the centre portion of the image, as I've been shooting M31 and there's not even a hint of a galaxy.

I'm using an 1100D for the imaging. I never had this problem with my old 10D, but 3 out of 4 imaging sessions have gone this way with the 1100. I've turned auto-rotate off in the camera settings, to no avail. I've tried DSS on 2 different computers, one of which was a virgin install, so it's not a settings issue.

This is really winding me up, as I can do nothing with this data as is, so it's a massive waste of time.

Really hoping someone can help with this as it's killing me!

Cheers in advance guys,


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Hi Guy,

I'm pretty sure this is a known issue with the 1100D and needs a beta version of DSS. I'll go and check now, but thought you might like some reassurance straight away that your data probably isn't lost!


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Why are you losing data? Gee whiz, you have a back up copy right? With a DSLR I always kept a copy on the flash on the camera, transfered the data off the imaging laptop to my main PC then worked with it on that. That way always copies of the data in case something went wrong.

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'Losing' might have been a bot of a strong word. I still have it all (I throw nothing away - it causes me massive space-related headaches) but I was just worried I wouldn't be able to use it, fearing that maybe it was an issue with the camera rather than the software. Anyway, it's solved now so I will be revisiting that old data just as soon as I can find it!

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