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buying second hand

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Buying used is a great way to get good quality equipment for a good saving. Our classifieds section is available to access once you have been a member here for more than a month and made 50 or more posts (sensible ones of course !).

Virtually all my equipment was bought used.

Until then the UK Astro Buy & Sell website is a great source and is free to use:


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Absolutely but, like any second hand dealings, it's only really recommended if you feel like you know what you're doing and you trust the seller. There's some dodgy stuff on E-Bay so more caution is called for there. Good sources of second hand stuff include the classifieds on this site, Astro buy-sell, Astromart (although much of that stuff is US, many sellers will ship abroad), and even your local club. The good thing about optics is that, unlike complicated things like cars, it's generally obvious if something is wrong. I suppose some people may want a star-test before buying but, to be honest, assessing the quality of an instrument is usually something that takes many nights at the eyepiece. So unless there are glaring optical issues, a quick look through the eyepiece won't be hugely informative.

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I've bought a good deal of kit second hand from SGL members. I think it's an excellent way to buy. Generally it's been from people I've "known" for some time so I've had a good degree of confidence in the seller. If you're buying over the net from someone you don't know then I'd take a bit more care. I think the cardinal rule is "If you're in the slightest bit unsure when it comes to parting with the cash, walk away".


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thanks for the advice. without having seen the classifieds section here i have no idea how much stuff is available or what prices are like. it seems a friendly place and generally on forums people with a long membership and high post count have something to lose.

i've bought before from forums and generally have learned how to buy (though i got badly ripped off once)

is there a trader points system in place here?


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The advice above seems good. All of the significant purchases for my current AP setup have been 2nd hand (from ABS) and it's been a great experience so far. I track all of my purchases in a spreadsheet (sad I know..) and it's currently showing a 43% saving on internet "new" price.

I'm sure I'll get burned at some point, but up until now it's been a pleasure deal with the folks advertising on Astro Buy Sell. If ever you get worried that somebody doesn't actually own the thing they claim to be selling, ask them to put a tea-bag on it and re-take the pictures. That'll catch em out :p

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The only things I have from new are the synscan upgrade to my eq6 , one eyepiece and my solar film, I added up the other day my stuff if brought new would be north of £4500 and cost me less than £850. so yes I would recommend second hand. That said, I did have to repair and strip a mount and clean and rebuild almost all my stuff , I enjoy just that , but if you know what you are doing go for it. (95% from ebay)

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I've saved loads by buying 2nd hand stuff from both the SGL Classifieds and also ABS. Just follow all the good advice already given in previous posts and you should be okay.

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You simply cant/wont go wrong by sticking around here and getting involved and knowing people and very quickly you will have access to the classified section which is full of quality astro gear. A general rule of thumb about buying 2nd hand is to expect to pay about 2/3rd of the retail price....................if the gear is relatively new and in good condition.

Ive bought some stuff from fellow members and everything i have bought was in "as new" condition. Serious astronomers take excellent care of their gear.

I'd have no worry about buying from any SGL member.

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You simply cant/wont go wrong by sticking around here and getting involved and knowing people and very quickly you will have access to the classified section which is full of quality astro gear. A general rule of thumb about buying 2nd hand is to expect to pay about 2/3rd of the retail price....................if the gear is relatively new and in good condition.

Ive bought some stuff from fellow members and everything i have bought was in "as new" condition. Serious astronomers take excellent care of their gear.

I'd have no worry about buying from any SGL member.

ok thanks, thats reassuring

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Sorry, what I meant was, do we know how many previous trades members have done, and is there a reviewing system?

Apart from the needing 50+ posts / 1 month to view the section and 250 posts to place an advert, there is no feedback / review system. The classifieds section is run to minimise moderation / admins effort (we are all volunteers !) and there is far more to the forum than that section.

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There really is no need for a feedback section on the classified. SGL is such a tight knit community, that if there is a dud seller, i think word would travel very quickly to warn people. I'm not saying that has happened, but i'd imagine that would be the case.

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