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Eye piece dilemma!

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I am very tempted with the Maxvision 24mm SWA offers at the minute,but i need to sell to fund it :embarrassed: .I have a couple of the Meade versions which are excellent so i know what i am getting.

I was thinking about selling my 6.7 E.S 82 which i have hardly used so dont really know how it rates,i dont want to sell any other eyepiece i have as i am very happy with them........need help! :eek:

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You have a UO 7mm Ortho so the 6.7mm ES might not be missed too much although it's a more comfortable eyepiece to use than the ortho I'll bet. Is that the sort of help you are looking for ?

On the other hand, skipping straight from your 20mm SWA to the 28mm should be fine so the 24mm might not really be needed. That might not be so much help !

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The U.O is a great planetary eyepiece and Yes the E.S has more comfort,though the ortho isnt a problem,if anything i prefer the smaller FOV on planets i just dont know what i may let go as i think i have used it twice, if that mate

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On the whole I reckon having more shorter focal length eyepieces is more useful that having more longer FL ones. My set goes 31mm - 20mm - 13mm - 8mm and then I have 5 eyepieces of shorter FL than that. I find I need more high power choices than low power ones. That might just be my observing preferences though :rolleyes2:

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I don't know if this is of any use to you but I had the full set of SWA 40mm through to 16mm, I have a good few scopes so they all got used. However I can't say I can remember going outside with 20mm, 24mm and 28mm in hand. I would stick with what you have, don't buy just because they are there and are good value. As John rightly said to go from 20mm-28mm is not a problem, use your 6.7mm, I had the Meade and it's a fine eyepiece, keep it.

Sorry if I have upset you.


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I think the suspicion of "greener grass" is something that we are all susceptible to :smiley:

Reading reports on the web of equipment it's all too easy to forget how much you enjoyed using your own gear last time the sky was clear and find yourself reaching for the credit / debit card.

Perhaps if we had more clear nights in the UK the temptation to switch kit around would be less !

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I think the suspicion of "greener grass" is something that we are all susceptible to :smiley:

Reading reports on the web of equipment it's all too easy to forget how much you enjoyed using your own gear last time the sky was clear and find yourself reaching for the credit / debit card.

Perhaps if we had more clear nights in the UK the temptation to switch kit around would be less !

it is...........hence my 5 scopes :Envy:

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