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Hi all me again, im looking to upgrade my eyepeices a bit in the future an have come across a couple that interest me, the Baadar Hyperion's & the Televue Plossl's my budget is roughly gunna be around the 100 quid mark per ep, would love to go bigger but funds an girlfriend wont let me. ive read good reviews on the other types of Televue eyepeices but cant find much on the plossl's. Would like to hear your opinions on the 2 pros/cons etc so can get idea of which would be worth investing in. Thanks

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You don't mention the EP size, i know nothing of the TV Plossi's but the Hyperion's i have work well in my 10" reflector and they do allow for connecting a DSLR via a 43/42mm adapter ring.

well am interesting in getting a variety of eyepiece sizes as most of wot I have is wot came with the scopes will probably start with a mid range size around the 10 or 18mm mark
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In an F/5 newtonian I'd go with the Tele Vue plossls over the Hyperions every time. The latter might show a wider field of view but the stars will be astigmatic (distorted) in that extra field. In slower scopes (ie: f/10) the Hyperions are nice eyepieces but not so much in faster scopes.

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Other than field and eye relief, the TV Plossls are in my experience as good as anything else. I have 11mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm and 32mm TV plossls and rate them very highly alongside my Ethos and Naglers in all but the two aforementioned characteristics. If given the choice between an ethos and a TV plossl on the moon or planets i'd choose a TV plossl every time. with a good barlow and say three TV plossls, you'd have almost all the eyepiece combos you'd ever need.

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definitely Televue plossl's i was pretty disappointed with the performance of my Hyperions in my newt, it is f4 though. the Hyperions look majestic in there leather wallets compared to the small little plossl's, but the view was certainly less than majestic through the eyepiece. if that does not make your mind up hyperion 2nd hand £60-£75 depending on focal length Televue plossl 2nd hand £35-£60 depending on focal length and they barlow well!

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Not tried Hyperions but the advice above is spot on. I agree with the eye relief on the TV Plossls, 11mm is the lowest I would comfortably go and I don't wear glasses. Thinking about it though that may be related to the fold up rubber eye cup which I leave up. With BGOs which don't have it I am ok down to 6mm and I think the eye relief calculation is roughly similar between BGOs and Plossls.


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I think it's more the narrower field of the ortho Stu. with my e.g. 7mm BGO (40 degree field) it's easier to see the whole field than even my 15mm TV (50 degree field) plossl. as you don't have to try so hard to see the whole field with the narrower ortho (which as a lot less eye relief officially) and it therefore feels more comfortable.

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I absolutely love the Hyperions and I have three of them plus an Aspheric as well. Fantastic eyepieces. Solid , well made and chunky. And as an added bonus, if you buy the two fine tuning rings (14mm and 28mm) then you can alter the focal length thus giving you various eyepieces in one. In fact with each ep you have 4 different possibilities (the 24mm cannot utilise the tuning rings). And as the tuning rings are so cheap when you weigh things up, the cost saving on having to buy a whole new eyepiece speaks for itself. A bit of a no brainer in my humble opinion.

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I think it's more the narrower field of the ortho Stu. with my e.g. 7mm BGO (40 degree field) it's easier to see the whole field than even my 15mm TV (50 degree field) plossl. as you don't have to try so hard to see the whole field with the narrower ortho (which as a lot less eye relief officially) and it therefore feels more comfortable.

That makes sense Shane, hadn't really considered that.



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definitely Televue plossl's i was pretty disappointed with the performance of my Hyperions in my newt, it is f4 though. the Hyperions look majestic in there leather wallets compared to the small little plossl's, but the view was certainly less than majestic through the eyepiece. if that does not make your mind up hyperion 2nd hand £60-£75 depending on focal length Televue plossl 2nd hand £35-£60 depending on focal length and they barlow well!

just wanted to ask where would be a good place to look for second hand Televues ?
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For me, the eye relief is fine on the TeleVue plossls, even the 8mm. I guess I should try some orthos if I can put up with ~6mm eye relief :).

Most used TeleVues you should be able to get for around £50, nearer the £70 mark with the longer focal lengths though (32mm especially). Just think ~60% of new price.

Oh, and I would go for the TeleVue plossls, they will work well in any scope, the hyperions perform poorly at fast focal ratios, or so I have heard (I've heard it a lot, so there should be a lot of truth in it)

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