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Eyepiece suggestions for WO FLT110

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I need help with suggestions for new eyepieces for my FLT110. It's a quality scope so I want to do it justice by buying quality eyepieces. To start with I have £500 available what eyepieces should I buy with that.


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Depends whay you mean by "quality".

If you mean a well known brand with a good reputation the really ES 82's, Delos and Pentax.

At this time the ES and Delos are the most obvious.

The catch is that something like the Celestron X-Cels and BST's would very likely give excellent views and very close to the TV/ES options. A fair bit of their extra cost is 82 degrees not 60 degrees, and we look at whatever is in the central 30 degrees. The set of BST's is worth considering for events like star parties where you do not want fingers on ES/TV eyepieces.

If you go for ES's then get them with the Argon purging, no real difference between Nitrogen and Argon in practical terms but Argon is the newer variant.

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If you could enlarge on what sort of magnification you would like to achieve. Wide field views in 2 inch size will not be cheap and can soak up all of the 500 you have put aside and then some. The WO UWAN 28mm is big and heavy but is also up there with the top class stuff at a smaller price. In fact that full range, 28mm,1 6mm, 7mm, and 4mm would not be a bad choice of eyepieces for a good range on your scope.


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I have the FLT 110 and am using the TV Ethos 21,13 and 8mm eyepieces. They are expensive but fantastic with the WO. Buying eyepieces of this quality is very much a long term investment, you are unlikely to want to change them, ever! I have just taken delivery of a Delos 4.5mm for moon/planetary viewing. Are you planning on doing any imaging? Would be interested in what your plans are as I am pretty new to this and would be interested in swapping experiences.

Regards Mike

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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No too sure what magnification I want, I'd like to be able use the scope mainly for DSO's as well as the occasional planetary view.

I'm pretty nieve when it comes to the technical aspect of what can be achieved with the FLT110 & eyepiece combo.

I want to make a start with optically sound eyepiece that I won't want to upgrade in the near future. I know TV has that reputation but wanted to know if there was anything else to compete with them.

What would be a good eyepiece size to buy for viewing DSO's with this scope. I assume that galaxies would require a different eyepiece to large field nebulas

Any advice is welcome.


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At that price I'd seriously consider a set of TeleVue plossls (32mm, 25mm, 20mm, 15mm, 11mm, 8mm) at around £60 each 2nd hand, then add a TeleVue 2.5x Powermate (£175 new, you would be able to get it cheaper 2nd hand). The only real 'upgrade' there from the TeleVue plossls is on to wider and wider fields (For TeleVues, that is in order: Radians, Panoptics, Delos, Naglers, Ethos).

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Is it better to get the wider view & thus more expensive eyepiece for higher magnification viewing.

Not necessarily - if you are on a manual mount is does make it easier if you have to 'nudge' the scope less, but at ~96x (using the 8mm) this won't be much of an issue. If you are on either a tracking or goto mount, the FOV makes no difference as at high power you won't want to be looking at individual stars anyway!

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Without wishing to bang a well worn (current) drum, it wouldn't hurt to look at the Maxvision 68deg 28, 20 and 16mm EPs from ES.de, or any others from this same short loved brand. That's Meade SWA/ES68deg (quality) optics covering a very useful set of FLs for £195 plus shipping (£30?) that will perform very well in a F5 scope, never mind an F7.

That gives you a lot of room to play with the planetary FLs. I've had brief experience of WO's own SPLs and I found them very nice, relaxing EPs to use and they feel nice to handle too and FLO have them all for £200 as a set.

That's 27.5x to 220x in six well spaced EPs and under budget.


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I don't disagree with Russell the Meades with a different name are near to Televue and in this case about 25% of the price as far as i can see. I have owned most of the Meade eyepieces ( all but 2) in the 5000 series and there are no damp squibs amoung them.

I would have thought the 34mm SWA ,28mm, 24mm, and 16mm with a barlow would cover everything, just about. You could also need something shorter than 8mm (16mm barlowed) for planets.


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