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First try with DMK 21AU618


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I had received my new ccd a few days back. Then I got familiar with the camera, settings and using it through Sharpcap that evening, using it in my WO 71. I didn't really get anything decent and didn't expect to out of the Zenithstar that night. It was just mainly to get familiarized like i mentioned. The following night I put the camera in my 150mm homemade newt. After polar aligning my mount and setting up, this is what I got.

150mm homemmade newt

Skyview Pro mount in 2x sidereal (don't have goto)

DMK 21AU618 ccd

1000 frame avi (800 kept) in Stakkert

Registax 6 for wavelets

Adjusted in PS

By the way, it was 109F out at 9:00 p.m. (profusely sweating) when I snapped this. It has only gotten hotter. It could have been better, but may have to wait a little bit for anything decent. It will be over 100F+ everday 90F+ nightly for the next couple months. Hopefully get it a few more time, until it disappears.


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By the way, it was 109F out at 9:00 p.m. (profusely sweating) when I snapped this. It has only gotten hotter. It could have been better, but may have to wait a little bit for anything decent. It will be over 100F+ everday 90F+ nightly for the next couple months. Hopefully get it a few more time, until it disappears.

I can't say I've every been profusely sweating while imaging any planet in Scotland, you want to swap - you'll need to invest in some thermals though!! :grin:

That's a great first image with your DFK, I'm looking forward to seeing some more, Saturn is already lost in twilight for me. :smiley:

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Thanks guys. I did have Firecapture installed, but kind of new Sharpcap a little, dealing with a webcam I started shooting photos with. Messed around with the dummy cam awhile back though on Firecapture. I will definately give it a go when it cools off.

I can't say I've every been profusely sweating while imaging any planet in Scotland, you want to swap - you'll need to invest in some thermals though!! :grin:

One day maybe. I am of Scottish decent though. Think I can handle heat over cold to be honest. Lived way to long in the desert.

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Fantastic image, how high up in the sky is Saturn for you?


About 35-40' guessing. Can give exact when I get home. I am at 36' lat, 115 long, so it is pretty nice from 8:30pm until midnight.

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Very impressive - and just starting out with a new camera!! - I am currently reading up on Video Astronomy with a view to starting a project and your image is very inspirational.

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how high up in the sky is Saturn for you

I was off a bit. It was at about 32' at that time.

Here is the original shot. (I put the first photo up, not realizing for awhile that the original post was the one that I was tinkering with....... I zoomed and rotated and who knows what else.)


I would have edited the first post, but I don't see any way of editing my posts. Can someone clue me in on that? Sorry guys

Oh......waiting for my LRGB + filter wheel.......impatiently.

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