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Televue used prices?


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I am looking at purchasing some used Televue eyepieces on EBAY,they are described as new "used once or twice" & the other as a new display unit.One is a Nagler 16mm t5 & the other is a Radian 14mm.I bid them up to the top of the auto bidders so I'm tied on the Nagler in second place & am in second for the Radian.What would be the maximum price one should pay if they are as described?

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Radians generally go for £100 - £120 on the used market. The T5 16mm Naglers for around £150-£180.

Prices on E.Bay can get silly though .... :rolleyes2:

Edit: You will need to convert these into Canadian Dollars !

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Thanks John,I'm sitting at $105 .00 US (Radian) and $200.00 US (Nagler).So the numbers are still in the ballpark.I bid them up fast to the top of what I thought the auto bidders were at...& defined their top limit so far.I think a lot of sellers have people (friends,etc) bid up price up fast,but they usually will stop once a certain price point is reached.No bids past these points yet.I'm hoping for an "offer" to buy as the second bidder-so there is no commitment.I checked exchange,it's at 1.63 Pounds to the Canadian dollar.

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You were bidding against me for the Radian, so I'll stop there! :grin:

I'm on the look out for a 14mm, but I'm not in any hurry, and if the radian is likely to go up to £100 - £120 then I'll stop and wait until Christmas for an ES 82 14mm. :p


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You were bidding against me for the Radian, so I'll stop there! :grin:

I'm on the look out for a 14mm, but I'm not in any hurry, and if the radian is likely to go up to £100 - £120 then I'll stop and wait until Christmas for an ES 82 14mm. :p


I'm not in a rush either,if you want it I'll stop bidding.It seems like prices in U.K. are pretty high, so if you can get this deal go for it....There are a lot of bargains in the U.S. that I can access on new stuff too.....$270.00 for a new Pentax XW,free shipping,no tax & I have a legal U.S shipping address which really helps.Its funny you mentioned the ES 82 14mm,the thought ran across my mind too.So the Radian is all yours unless another bidder gets in their.Good Luck

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Jet stream,

Gerry, the older Meade 14mm UWA is a dam good eyepiece, it shapes up well against both the 14mm Delos and XW all of which I have. I shouldn't think you would find it hard to find a secondhand one in the USA or Canada for that matter. Please note though it it is the older Meade not the new type that is on sale now. I have not seen the new one but the 5.5mm UWA was a very nice eyepiece, I had one last year.


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As with most astronomy equipment, two thirds (or 66% to 70%) is a good baseline for excellent condition, 50% may be missing caps or box or both, and some eyepieces, usually non-TeleVue lose almost all of the value (Skywatcher MAs for example - often given away for postage price, Vixen LVs can lose about 76% of their value before they are sold, sometimes they are as cheap as £35).

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Thanks guys,in the used market I have little idea what individual quality eyepieces are.Alan thanks for the heads up on the 14mm Meade UWA,how can I tell if it is the good one?Anyone have a picture?There are other net shopping places-Craigslist in USA & kijjiji in Canada,but EBAY is generally safer.I'm just looking for deals on eyepieces because the deals are out there now,& waiting for my scope to go on sale...I do deal shop a lot,being on the border saves me a LOT of money,with the tax into Canada (13%) figured in too.Sounds like when I visit my roots in Liverpool someday,I should check out a star party& talk equipmen!I sure would like to check out Orion UK reflector & on a trip like that I could get a big duty exemption on stuff....hmmm

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I don't like bidding on ebay but when I do I set my price using esnipe and then just wait and see if I wn or not. I set the price to what I am prepared to pay, i.e. as if it were a 'normal' sale. I usually base this on the cheapest new price I can find and deduct about a third if it's in excellent condition. I normally only buy with caps and box but would take off another £10 if it's missing either.

personally I much prefer buying in a straight sale as this is much more refined and feels more honest for some reason; it can also result in a better price. e.g. I recently bought a used 20m TV plossl delivered for £45 from a seller on AB&S. It is really pristine, with original caps and box. There was one at the same time on ebay which eventually went for £56 plus postage. In my case the seller was quite happy to have had a sale immediately with no fees, and I was quite happy getting an eyepiece for a bargain sum.

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Jet stream,

Gerry, the older Meade 14mm UWA is a dam good eyepiece, it shapes up well against both the 14mm Delos and XW all of which I have. I shouldn't think you would find it hard to find a secondhand one in the USA or Canada for that matter. Please note though it it is the older Meade not the new type that is on sale now. I have not seen the new one but the 5.5mm UWA was a very nice eyepiece, I had one last year.


Is this the series 4000 UWA Alan?I will check the sites suggested to me to see whats what on them.I have limited EBAY experience but the transactions turned out well-there is actually pretty good protection with Paypal,thats all I use.Second nite in a row I had excellent viewing,tonite was the best summer skywatching so far.I spotted some new galaxies and am learning my way around the sky better now.I can't wait until winter for those crystal clear & super dark skies...that's when I will have gathered eveything I need to start with the Dobsonian.I have it planned to observe from the lake ice,cold but clear a lot.You know I still can't believe how big M31 really is,tonite was my second best view of it & it was huge.So I'll keep on snooping around for some more stuff...!lol!

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I think it is the 4000 series 14mm UWA that Alan is referring to. They are considered a real classic and for many the best eyepiece that ever had the Meade branding.

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No it is the series 5000 that I am refering to which came out about 6 years back, they have changed it from the first made by I guess, JOC about 18 months to 2 years ago. It was in the days when the range was 30mm, 24mm, 18mm. 14mm, 8.8mm, 6.7mm and 4.7mm. The only one I never had was the 18mm. I have never even seen the Series 4000, they seem hard to get and stem from the Japan days of Meade.

They stopped a great deal of the range and lauched a 5.5mm and new 8.8mm and 14mm, there was also a 20mm but I have never seen it for sale in the UK. the 24mm and 30mm were all old stock that never got sold. I bought a 5.5mm while in England last year and for the cost I have to say they are very good indeed. I matched it against a 6mm Delos and it was not far behind. When you consider the price difference it was real value for money.


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one thing I would say about used TV eyepieces is that most people cosset them and really ensure they stay in tip top condition. there's inevitable minor wear to the nosepiece and the body but this has little effect on anything really. as soon as you buy a new eyepiece, it's a used eyepiece so for me buying new is fine if you are not budget limited (and it does support the company) but buying used is far more cost effective. if you are after an eyepiece that rarely comes up for sale, as indicated about, it's worth paying a bit more than the usual 2/3rds of new price to get it as long as you are sure it's in great condition.

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In the UK this website is a great place to buy & sell used equipment:


The good news for you Gerry is that they have a Canadian one as well:


Much better places to source used equipment than e.bay in my opinion :smiley:

I just looked at the Canadian site & found some items for sale fairly close....in Winnipeg,MB. I am contacting seller about some EP's,but as a "heads up" for anyone dealing with anything in this city....extra caution is advised.I thought I would mention this to everyone.

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