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skywatcher 200p auto upgrade?

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Hello astro folks, Im back afer being away from a long spell, I had to sell my previous few telescopes as unfortunately I was out of work, however, now back in work and having saved a few pennys im now a proud owner of a sky watcher 200p (8") dob. I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade these to auto tracking with its current flat base mounting. Or would I have to buy new mountings etc.... thanks in advanced

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It's not a mod I've seen before - you really need the tracking base and correct bits to attach the scope (they're different). I've not seen the motors/encoders sold separately like I have for EQ mounts. The most cost effective idea (imho) is to sell your scope or trade it in for a tracking dob. :)

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Thank you for the information. I have always star hopped my way around the sky. Although I like the idea of a goto, I have used celestrons nx series telescopes with them and I thought they are really good, although, sometimes you could see them being kicked by their owners for not aligning onto the star or slewing in different directions. So to answer your question umadog, I guess il trade in for a goto either, AZ or EQ, when I know them to be accurate enough.

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