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BST Starguiders with Skyliner 250px??


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Having just upgraded to this 'scope and being a little disappointed with my current eyepieces ( GSO plossls that are OKish in my 130eq ), I am thinking of giving the BST Starguiders a try. My questions are:

  1. Does anyone have any experience of these in a 250px?
  2. Given that this 'scope boasts f4.7, are the Starguiders going to be able to cope or will the 'Seagull' effect be visible at the edges?

Any tips or advise gratefully received,

thanks in anticipation,


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I like the positive vibrations coming from this thread :D, I'll soon have one of those added to my collection, and since I can't afford to break the bank and buy multi hundred pound eyepieces, this should fit the bill I hope :) Seeing that I already own the UWA 6 mm and notice the improvement there I doubt I'll regret the BST.

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Many thanks everyone. I've just bitten the bullet and ordered an 8mm BST Starguider to see if it pushes the 'scope too far. If it doesn't, and I like it, then I may look at getting some of the other sizes. If I don't like it I'll guess you may see it for sale soon in the classifieds :grin: :grin: .......

I may post my experiences here if anyone is interested.

all the best,


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People often say the 8mm and the 12mm are the pick of the bunch (and I never used either). I used all the other ones and they were great.

So good in fact that even after getting a near full set of explore scientific 82 degree ultra wides, I still have a hankering to pick up a full set of BSTs

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The 15mm had been ordered, was kind of a tricky choice, 12 15 18 urrhmmm, but after much pondering I settled for this one for now. I suppose it will only be a matter of time before the other gaps will be filled in my collection :D

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I should have added, why I settled for the 15, I am also thinking ahead to the next bigger DOB at some stage next year, which likely will be an 8 inch, and 15-16 would make a good mid-power eyepiece. If I did my sums right :)

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