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Daytime lunar observing


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Checking the satellite today showed that there was no chance of it being clear tonight, but that it should be fine through until early evening. I decided to do a spot of daytime observing of the moon instead.

Started around 3.30 I suppose and although fairly washed out, it's surprising how much detail there was to be seen. I kept popping out for a quick peak and the view had improved quite significantly around 8 ish. By 9 the expected cloud had rolled in, but it was nice to have got some observing in, in the warmth too!

Using my trusty TV76 on the mini giro, 12.5mm BGO gave best balance of contrast and magnification earlier on, whilst I was able to step up to a 6mm Radian later on as it got slightly darker.


A nice, unusual cloud formation came over during the day.


A nice alternative to the PST during the day and a way to manage some worthwhile observing when the forecast is not great for the night.



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It's definitely worth a go if clear, and obviously the moon has to be at the correct phase and position. Make sure you can't accidentally look at the sun - I set up in the shadow of some trees just to be safe.


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I've done lunar imaging during the day, but I have to say it had never occurred to me to try daytime visual lunar observation. I shall have to give it a go if the cloud cover ever disappears. The forecast for the next week appears to be unpleasantly reminiscent of last "summer" :(


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Yesterday was a lovely sunny day so and we were just around the house so it seemed a pity not to try. Always seems slightly strange when you can see the moon during the day so why not look at it? :-). The contrast definitely got much better towards evening, by 8pm it wasn't bad even though the sky still seemed bright blue. The trick seems to be balancing magnification against the contrast required to see some detail ie don't overdo the mag and you will see plenty of detail still.

Was nice to get a chance to try my 6mm radian out finally. Was very comfortable to use and gave sharp images so looking forward to some nighttime viewing with it.


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Early evening summer lunar observing must rank as one of the most pleasant aspects of our pastime. No need to wrap-up warm, no need for dim red torches, no problem with dew. just a guide book open on a convenient table and perhaps a glass of wine or two.

However, I find that the atmosphere is clearer first thing in the morning- for stunning daytime views try at any time before about 7.30am on clear morning at the right phase of the moon.

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Thanks David, almost poetic there :-)

Will certainly give some morning observing a go at some point. Makes sense that the atmosphere is probably at its most stable then before it warms up.



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