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Hello. My name is Jon and I live in Norfolk UK. :(

I have a Tal 2M and I've just bought a Nikon D40. I would like to try and take some pics of the moon. I need advice on how to couple my camera to the scope. I found this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/M42-T2-T-mount-Tube-for-Nikon-D40-D40x-D50-D70-D80-D200_W0QQitemZ220174984115QQihZ012QQcategoryZ74926QQcmdZViewItem

Seems a bit heath robinson... Any thoughts?

I would also like to colominate (?) my scope. A pointer to a site that expalins this would be great.

Thanks. JB

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Hi Jon

There's lots of poeple on here, that image with DSLR's, and will be able to answer that question for you.

With regard to the Collimation issue, just go onto 'Google' and 'search' Telescope Collimation, and it will come up with a multitude of url's relating to just that. You can then see which one explains it best for you.


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Hi JB. That one has a few bells and whistles more than you need. The bits you need are the T ring to suit your camera and the nosepiece to fit in the focuser. These are (in the pile of bits image in your link) the bottom two items. The aluminium looking ring fits the camera and takes a standard T thread. The other bit is the adapter which adaptes the T thread to the eyepiece hole in the 'scope.

The setup ends up looking like the top right image in the camera gallery image.

All you do is plonk the camera plus adapter in the EP hole, focus and snap away. Great fun, and cheap if you already have the 'scope and camera.

There's a hello section BTW so that you can tell us about yourself and we can say hi.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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